Winds 2.0 - Open source podcast & RSS desktop app
Winds 2.0 is a beautiful Open Source podcast & RSS reader created by Stream. Free desktop apps are available for macOS, Linux and Windows.
Winds 2.0 is a beautiful Open Source podcast & RSS reader created by Stream. Free desktop apps are available for macOS, Linux and Windows.
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Stream Chat
Stream Chat
Stream Chat
Stream Chat
Stream Chat
Stream Chat
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Stream Chat
Stream Chat
Easy to use, highlights podcasts nicely
Pros:Nice and clean
Stream Chat
Stream Chat
I found it very easy to use. I was always for a convenient way to read rss in mac. Winds made it possible! Oh, and I'm a podcast producer and a podcast addict. So That's a good reason to love this app. :)
Pros:Clean design and easy to use
Stream Chat
Stream Chat
Enjoying it so far but have spent less than a day with it. So far so good, but I hope they keep improving it in the future as there a few little nuances that could be made better.
Pros:Interface invites you to discover new feeds.
Cons:Lack of on-boarding makes it a bit confusing when you first open the app. There should also be clearer field validation on the sign up.
Stream Chat
Oat Milk Nitro Cold Brew Coffee Latte
Stream Chat
Stream Chat