Kim Walsh

Harper - Record, transcribe and share your doctors visits.

harper gives a patient the ability to record, transcribe, do keyword lookups and share a doctor's visit with loved ones. 40-80% of medical information is forgotten immediately by patients.

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
What are the legalities or considerations around recording visits? Are doctors obliged to allow you to record them?
Tim Clemans
@chrismessina im not a lawyer not legal advice in washington anytime someone makes notes for others the conversation is not private also telling someone theyre recorded in Washington makes private conversation recording legal regardless of whether other person is ok with it
Kim Walsh
@chrismessina wanted to let you all know here that is an awesome company/app started by a physician and ML specialists at Carnegie Mellon to help patients and doctors by recording their visits. Disclaimer: I am an advisor of Abridge.
Casey Slaughter Stanton
I’m a big fan of PawPrint for my dog. It gives me the ability to own her vet records and share them with day cares, etc. I’ve wanted something similar for myself and my wife and this seems to be close. If y’all could mirror PawPrint’s request for records and ability to share, that would be SO NICE.
Kim Walsh
@caseystanton1 wanted to let you all know here that is an awesome company/app started by a physician and ML specialists at Carnegie Mellon to help patients and doctors by recording their visits. Disclaimer: I am an advisor of Abridge.
Sam Rye
There is a conspicuously absent Terms of Service and Privacy Statement....?!
Kim Walsh
@samrye_enspiral Hi there, here are the Terms of Service and Privacy statements you can access them via the footer on the blog.
"90% of medical information is forgotten immediately by patients" Is there data to back this statement up?
Tim Zuidgeest
@mickc79 While I don't have data right up. My girlfriend is a general practitioner and she says about the same thing. They often ask if a relative can be present during these visits because they tend to remember more. This is especially true for more severe diagnoses (like cancer).
Daniel Turski
@mickc79 Great question! I always love demands for verification and evidence when discussing science and medicine. I Googled your question, and found a study published in The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine in 2003, entitled, "Patients' memory for medical information." ( That article states that 40% - 80% of information is forgotten by patients. We might, one day, reach a single number that is the average of many others, but it's so multifactorial: A well-educated individual won't have any problems remembering how to apply a topical steroid for itchy, swollen skin, while a poorer, less educated individual with multiple health complications will have a much harder time remembering and adhering to a complex pharmacological and dietary regimen after recently being diagnosed with Type II diabetes mellitus. If you Google that study and find it on PubMed, you'll find links to many other similar studies.
@drawesome Good insights there. I still think its dangerous and irresponsible to be banding about statistics like that as if they are facts, when clearly they are not.
Kim Walsh
@mickc79 Appreciate the push back here. There are some medical studies that say 10% of information is remembered, but its safer to say 40-80% of medical information is forgotten immediately by patients which is unfortunate not only for the patient and the families, but also for the doctors.
@kimwalsh7 you’ve said 40 - 80% and someone else here said 40 - 80%. Why did your initial post say 90%
Daniel Turski
Apps like these are a great effort toward helping people consolidate information, and perhaps even tend to their own health with greater diligence. But much of a patient's misunderstanding or misconception re: one's own diagnoses and medications is not due to a lack of access to information, but due to a lack of patience on the doctor's part. I was recently reading a book written by a clinical psychologist, in which he mentions that while he spends an hour with each patient at a time, and doesn't expect that person's behaviour(s) to change significantly until after years of hard work, doctors expect the very same results after one five minute visit, which consists of a rushed, impersonal explanation saturated with foreign, scientific jargon that few patients can actually understand.