Drag & drop from the menu bar to create a reminder in just a single moment. Done. Go back to what you were doing without getting distracted by other tasks until really necessary.
As someone who is always glued to my Mac and trying to focus, I really needed something where I could quickly empty my brain and stop worrying about other tasks until it was really necessary. Just drag and drop from the menu bar and your are golden! This often helped me remember that I should probably go to the kitchen to check on the food I have cooking, or that I should probably leave the house soon in order to make it to work or class on time. It can really be used for anything of the sorts.
I am really happy with the results and hopefully this will be useful to others too. If you have any questions then feel free to ask me :)
@imaddin Hey, just tried it out. Lovely. So simple. Playful interaction. Joy to use. I expected it to be really tricky to set precise times, but it's so easy. Well done.
@imaddin Nice idea! I use 20 minute timers for tasks and this is way more intuitive than something that is "in browser." Could you do something like this for mobile?
@oassoulin I actually had an iOS version before this because I had to shelf the Mac version due to lack of coding experience.
The problem on mobile with this type of interaction is that the screen is very limiting. You'd only be able to create timers of up to about 2 hours if you still want be able to accurately set the number of minutes. That's a problem with a small screen. Larger screens might have the problem of being too difficult to operate with long drag gestures but I have yet to confirm that. I might bring back the iOS version some day because I had some fun animation ideas.
While I love the UX simplicity, I am unwilling to purchase an app to experiment whether it's a keeper. Unless there was a free version to get 'hooked' on the product, I suspect a large swath of potential buyers would pass on purchasing the app. Seems really slick nonetheless!
@im5_founder That's unfortunate to hear. I was hoping to seal the deal by using the videos and screenshots on the website. I don't have a trial/demo version because I don't want to have to maintain 2 versions. The Mac App Store is already unsustainable as it is and the only reason this app won't get abandoned due to lack of money in the future is because I like it and I use it myself. A demo/trial version will cost me more than I am willing to give. Please get in touch with me on Twitter or via email. I'd like to send you something.
@imaddin My comment was in no way a knock against the product. Free versions often establish the need by proving their value and establishing a behavior change. That was the only basis of my feedback. I fully can appreciate the reasoning for not wanting to keep 2 versions in the App Store.
I love it, this is going to help me a lot.
It would be even better if there was an option to use the OSX reminders so I could also set reminders for when I'm not behind my computer. :-)
Gestimer for Mac