This is really fun and definitely helped me place some countries, especially tiny ones, that I never actually knew the location of. It was a bit frustrating to have to zoom in and out, I wonder if there's some way to do that differently? e.g. Malta doesn't appear when zoomed out to see Iceland?
@petejacobson Thanks! With micronations it's difficult and I do like the idea of having the user zoom in and out because it forces you to learn exactly where the country is. I may change the flashing animation for smaller countries to include a large circle around the country to help users find it if they exceed the incorrect attempts threshold.
I guess what git me was that speed of zooming (or failing to) was stressing me out lol
You know how some applications have a default setting and just mousing over it can zoom in, then mousing away returns to default? Might be less awkward? Or might be more aggravating…
Regardless, really cool game!
Thank you a lot, time to time it is neccessary to refresh your geography knowledge. I think, it is very useful stuff for the schools. Before presenting gifts, will make children to pass exams through this site :)
My first result for Europe was 58% in 4 minutes, means I need to repeat it all myself :D
Thank You a lot for this apportunity!
@antonio_muhichello Glad my app is helping you out! I agree, schools would definitely benefit from something like this. I may add a feature to allow teachers to track students progress and scores in the future
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