E tu, Genius? Jokes aside, I think it's pretty inspiring how quickly some can manage to clone a fun app's distinct feature and completely ruin the experience/social value for everyone else.
I hate to say it, but everyone knew the HQ Trivia could be easily duplicated. They are in the midst of a slight PR crisis due to their founders according to an article I read today. If someone can come along without the bad behavior and give people a solid experience, they could beat HQ. They do need to do more than copy, but then that’s what Instagram did to Snapchat. No difference.
Competition, good. Without it Facebook & Google wouldn't exist. Rip-Off, bad. Though they're in the game early enough that they just might steal market-share if they can drastically improve on what HQtees dislike.
Dropout Jobs
Disgusted by the fact someone would copy an app taking off right now to the extent Genius did. In my eyes, not a Genius move.
Pros:Good UI
Cons:Blatant rip off of HQ. Download the real app HQ for the time of your life.
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