Rami El-Ashi

IDEAS Book: Find Your Next Business Idea - An on-going, subscription only, publicly written book


An on-going, subscription only, publicly written business model book: šŸ’” 4 business models a month (1 chapter) šŸ“š 12 chapters a year (hard copy published each year) āœšŸ¼ Written in public (live Google Doc) šŸ„½ Deep-dive into each business model (step-by-step)

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Rami El-Ashi
šŸ‘‹ Hi Product Hunters! Back on Oct. 8, 2021, I read a thread on Twitter by @shaanvp about wanting to write a book. One of the comments by @stephsmith caught my eye. She mentioned a product by @levelsio where he wrote a book about startups, in public. I thought that was an incredibly creative idea. How can I do something similar with a twist? šŸ’” ah-ha! I'll make the book on-going and therefore, a subscription model! That way every time I come across a business model, I can keep on sharing! You know when you read something really great, you think to yourself, "I wish this book/article would never end"? Well in this case, the book will never end. I just have to make sure you like it! āœšŸ¼ How WE will write this book: STEP 1: Validation + Monetization I have an idea (see above), and now I want to see how many of you will join me on this journey. This will be done in similar fashion to @levelsio - I will open up for pre-order with a discounted price ($9.78/month) that will only last for the pre-order period (up to Dec. 31, 2021). STEP 2: Writing, editing & commentary A shared Google Doc will be distributed to all subscribers allowing you to leave comments & suggestions while a write live on the Doc. Edits will be made live on the Doc, and you will be able to read as a type. I will take all your comments into consideration. I will send an email to everyone (once a week) when I sit down to write that week's business model. The plan is to write 1 in-depth business model a week, so a total of 4 models a month. Each month will be a chapter, so by the end of the year, we will have 12 chapters. STEP 3: Publish a hard-copy Once we have reached the end of the year, I will publish a hard-copy version of that book on Amazon (you obviously don't have to buy it [since you're a subscriber], it's mostly to have physical evidence of this amazing journey on my bookshelf). šŸ™‚ I hope you enjoy the journey! I also look forward to working on this on-going project with all of you! I have lots of additions to this book, but let's take it one step at a time.