Ivan Braun

Face Generator - Generate unique, expressive AI-generated faces in real time

Craft the perfect face to represent your next project. Face Generator lets you dial-in the features and emotions you want from your virtual identity, then generate them in real-time!

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Ivan Braun
We are happy to launch Face Generator today, a tunable system to produce virtual faces that have never existed! This is one of the most user-requested features. Our customers needed more age diversity, head angles, and ethnic diversity. It took 6 months of custom development, training, and retraining to get it done. And now, here we go! How it works You start with a random face and create the face you want by choosing different options. Best of all, you can get multiple images of the same person: younger and older, glad and sad, male and female, etc. Features - Complete range of emotions - Adjustable head positions - Wide range of skin tones - Fine-grain age selection - Hair color selection (new - red hair) - Accessories options (makeup, glasses and sunglasses) - Safe to use anywhere Our images are worry-free We train our machine learning systems on model-released images that we have captured in our studio. So don’t fret over expensive legal issues such as personality rights, BIPA, GDPR, or royalties!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@visualpharm this is really well done! I'd love to understand more about your customers and use cases... who are you finding want these features? And have you considered offering this for video production?
Luba Zee
@visualpharm @chrismessina Thanks, from all our team! We've published some use cases here https://generated.photos/use-cases. The key ones are machine learning, graphic design, sales, and gaming. And there is a lot of research and some other interesting cases. For example, people use our photos to study perception bias, teach a course on eyewitness testimony and police line-up procedures and test long-term human memory. As for the video production: yeah, we're exploring opportunities there for a while. E.g., it's possible to localize video commercials. Also, there are a few AI startups that generate videos with synthetic humans from text, and they could use a variety of faces and Face Generator especially :) And if you have something specific on your mind, let's chat!
Jai Pandya
This is excellent work @visualpharm! Probably the best virtual face generator I've seen so far. The usual problem has always been the diversity in age, ethnicity, and this product seems to solve it perfectly. Congratulations on the launch!
Ivan Braun
Right, it’s always diversity vs errors. More diversity, more trashy images. Neat images = similar images. Generating a disgusted baby above the camera - that’s a hard task.
Ken Moo
More fake testimonials are coming 😂. Seriously though love details that we can customize. Looking forward to the day where we can create the full body with A.I. With different poses.
Luba Zee
@kenmoo Haha, definitely 😆 Seriously, thanks for the warm words! As for the full-body generation, we're heading there, but it's a long way to go to make sure that generated hands will be attached to the generated shoulders instead of a generated butt 🤪
Alena Bitton
The future has come!! 🚀
Daryll Wong
Had a lot of fun playing around with this!
Ivanna Wendel
Looks very cool!
Karol Jankowiak
Fun! Can you add facial hair option?
Ivan Braun
@karol_jankowiak that's a great idea. We should. Viva bearded babies!
Phil Co
Niiiice. People will play around the whole day with this 😂
Devillers Jerome 🍕
Really nice ! It look like , I can't be a man with long hair but no earrings haha.
Ivan Braun
@devillersjerome really? haha let me check
Ivan Braun
@devillersjerome I don't want to say long haired men don't have problems though haha. I know what I'm talking about: I had it before started loosing hair.
Bjarne Eldhuset
Awesome stuff! Would it some day soon be possible to add arms/upper body holding objects? Like a person holding a coffee cup, tennis racket etc?
Paul Malaj
@bjarne_eldhuset Yeah, definitely! We are already working on it.
Rana sheraz
Great and excellent product
Nikolay Siabrenko
What will be next?🤔
Ivan Braun
@nikolay_siabrenko face swap. We marry Generated Photos and https://icons8.com/photos.
Liesbeth Bulté
@kaat_bulte, interesting app for the days you need a serious face :)
Jim Engine
Ridiculous, I love it 😁
Bogdan Ionita
This helps me a lot for creating better in-app experiences, nicely done!
Luba Zee
@bogdan_ionita Cool! I would love to hear about your use case!
Jay June
Saw on Twitter the other day that you accidentally created a hybrid of Timothee Chalamet and Freddy Highmore. Now I'm determined to craft a Ryan Gosling/Cillian Murphy hybrid. Finally, a Crush Generator we've been waiting for!
Jay June
@julia_kisteneva wait! here's more: I'm gonna create me a crush, then print the image, put up flyers all over the neighborhood with the text: "Have you seen this man? You have? Give him this number: *tear-offs with my phone number*" Boom! I'll have lots of calls from weird people😂
Extremely needed for website developing. Do you have API?
Luba Zee
@andrew_monitask Not yet, but I like the idea. Drop me a message at work.with@generated.photos, and let's discuss it!
Bosky Mukherjee
Congrats Ivan and the team! As someone who is deeply passionate about making tech more inclusive and accessible, I absolutely love this! Congratulations, this is really exciting!
Luba Zee
@bosky_mukherjee Oh, thank you! ❤️
Julia Gnedin
This is cooler than in the Sims!
Aron Kornhall
Really cool! Do you have any plans for removing typical artefacts from AI generated faces, such as earrings that don't match?
Ivan Braun
Yes. We identify 7 typical artifacts before showing the image to you. If it passes the check, you see image. These filters are somewhat relaxed though in order to pass the faces that the machine is unsure about. Non-typical camera angles, ages, emotions - the model takes some guessing here.
Luba Zee
@arokor It's a tough task, but we're doing our best. Speaking of earrings, here is an image I created yesterday with our Face Generator https://goo-gl.su/8S2C The earrings match 🥳