Here's what has helped me:
- Reading non-fiction/self help books. Currently reading Setting Boundaries by Dr. Rebecca Ray, have loved The Four Agreements and Atomic Habits.
- Defining what self-care looks like, and prioritising making time for it regularly. For me it's reading a book, exercising, or writing, and having time to decompress after work.
- Reaching out to friends, family, and mentors - this one can be a really difficult hurdle to overcome, but I often find when I am the most stressed, or feel isolated, it's a critical time for me to tell someone that I need support, even if I might not know what it should look like yet.
- Professionally speaking, has a wealth of people that are willing to share their insights.
- And in an ideal world, having the resources to access a therapist. There are some that allow sliding-scale payments, and I know for some using telehealth services like BetterHelp have been helpful.
I prefer to take a course in psychotherapy. It is the doctor who helps me get rid of stress. I decided to go to doctors only after reading the article Stress brings us more trouble than any other disease. There are many psychological methods to cope with stress and return to a normal life. A specialist will choose the right one based on the patient's condition and personal peculiarities. Do not assume that working with a psychologist or psychotherapist is the same as talking to friends. Specialists do not give advice or provide ready-made solutions, but they help you find the root of the problem and change your relationship with the situation.
What actually works best for me is therapy, or working with a transformational coach who can help you solve many of your problems and become free. I know a good coaching retreat in Mallorca where Katja Verbeek can help you manage your stress and become more mindfulness