Frank Sondors

Who's launching in September?


We're launching Salesforge first week of September aiming to be #1 Keen to support each other whoever is launching in September if you wanna team up. Who's keen?

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Evgeniy Kosjakov
Good luck with the launch! Now I'm keen to release something in September too
Frank Sondors
@olenabomko I'll share on Monday, Olena! Just prepping the coming soon page right now this weekend.
Frank Sondors
@olenabomko you're everywhere, Olena. I don't know whether you're the first one, haha, but you're def the best one ;) btw love your work, checked out your website earlier today. We're doing a major facelift next week getting ready for PH launch.
Praveen Pendyala
I'm keen to help each other! I'm launching tomorrow.
Most probably I will be launching many features in (Productive AI, Seo, Writing, Social media Tools all-in-one platform) in the first week of September PH Link:
Maksym Skrypka
Good luck! I plan to launch my product in September. I recently released my first product on PH :)
Liz Worthy
Launching on the 16th!
Ayhan Dzhemalov
We are launching on 18th of September. Would love to connect with anyone else who is launching this month as well