Curie's pioneering work in physics and chemistry led to the discovery of radioactivity, which revolutionized medical imaging and treatment. Her unwavering dedication to scientific research and her pioneering spirit have inspired countless women to pursue careers in STEM fields.
An English mathematician and writer, considered to be the first computer programmer. She is best known for her work on Charles Babbage's early calculating machines.
Mother Teresa's selfless dedication to serving the poor and the marginalized has made her a global icon of compassion and humanitarianism. Her unwavering commitment to serving others has inspired countless individuals to make a difference in the world.
This will sound silly to many others here. But RDC gaming and Mr.Beast. I am impressed how those two YouTube channels were able to monetize their platforms to create the businesses they have today.
@mansi_trivedi1 I love this answer - we should be our own best selves for the younger self that we were is so proud of how much we've overcome. Bravo to us!
Yousafzai's activism for girls' education and her fight against the Taliban have made her a global icon for peace and education. Her courage, resilience, and unwavering commitment to her cause have inspired countless individuals around the world to stand up for their rights and to pursue their dreams.
Ginsburg's groundbreaking work as a lawyer and a Supreme Court justice has made her a champion of gender equality and a symbol of justice for millions.
Lovelace is considered the first computer programmer for her work on Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine. Her groundbreaking contributions to computer science have inspired countless women to pursue careers in technology.
Parks' courage and defiance in refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama, ignited the Montgomery Bus Boycott and sparked the Civil Rights Movement. Her quiet strength and unwavering commitment to equality have inspired countless individuals to stand up for what they believe in and to fight for justice.
Johnson's calculations played a critical role in the success of NASA's early space missions. Her brilliance, her dedication to her work, and her unwavering commitment to excellence have made her an inspiration to mathematicians, scientists, and women around the world.
This may sound silly or odd to some, but whenever I am feeling kind of in a rut or I'm not feeling motivated or like something may be too hard to accomplish; I just remember those that aren't as fortunate as me. Those that may have been born with a disability or were severely injured, such as my fellow army soldiers, and I just think of some of the things they have accomplished. Things that have eclipsed anything I have ever accomplished and how they achieved their goal and never gave up. It's a major inspiration point for me, if not a well needed kick to my ass to realize that you can accomplish whatever you want if you want it bad enough and don't give up.
An English mathematician and writer, considered to be the first computer programmer. She is best known for her work on Charles Babbage's early calculating machines.
Marie Curie: A pioneering physicist and chemist who conducted groundbreaking research on radioactivity, leading to the discovery of radium and polonium. Her work had a profound impact on medicine and paved the way for further scientific discoveries.
An English mathematician who cracked the Enigma cypher and later developed a test by his name (also called the imitation game) to evaluate the effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence to be indistinguishable from human responses well before anyone even heard of personal computers.
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