Which websites do you suggest to use besides Product Hunt to find new communities and launch?


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Steve Lou
IndieHackers WIP.co Kernal Indiefamily Twitter Spaces (there are many to pick from) Reddit (r/entrepreneurs and others)
Prema Toppo
Launching soon!
Besides Product Hunt, here are some websites and platforms you can consider: betalist.com indiehackers.com saashub.com g2.com capterra.com news.ycombinator.com
@prema_toppo Thank you for sharing, I didn't know about g2 and capterra. Are you use these often?
Prema Toppo
Launching soon!
@msmello Yes, Guest posting is also available on popular platforms. https://learn.g2.com/guest-post-... https://www.saashub.com/site/gue...
Shivam Garg
I am not sure but maybe this can help you out :) Indie Hackers Makerlog Startup School Isolated Founders Beginning Creators
Shivangi Awasthi
App Sumo and PitchGround
Wyatt Feaster
I think Indie hackers has been great for getting information and inspiration from others.