Lately I have been using Framer for any landing pages, and their effects experience is pretty good, allowing me to do animations and effects without needing to support image assets. Lottie and Lottiefiles are great tools as well to consider if you want to explore animated SVG's (which often are more friendly for load times and higher quality).
For quick gifs though, I will use a combination of Quicktime and Gifski (a mac app). Gifski provides several controls to adjust the framerate, length, and quality of the exported asset, making it easy to optimize Gifs for web.
Hope this helps!
We use ScreenStudio (it's exclusive for MacOS), but we don't do GIFs, it's a good program to record vids. GIFs are usually are either too heavy (if you want to preserve the quality) or too blurry (if you want to go for quicker loading time). MP4 vids don't have this problem, somehow. But for social media (Twitter, for example) I usually record the thing I need with OBS and edit it in a free editor like ezgif (dot) com.