
Which social media do you consider a trustworthy source of information?

In your opinion, which platform do you trust the most and the least? Personally, I find it difficult to determine the best one, but I can confidently say the platform I trust the least, as I’ve encountered the most fake users there. • The least I trust: Facebook • The most I trust: (maybe?) Reddit What about you?

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Sairam H (26th_Official)
Well, I don't about reddit 🤣 in case of "TRUST" but I guess its a good place to find leads!
@26th_official I also heard this info on X :D
André J
More importantly. Why is reddit more trustworthy? I think maybe because each sub has their own human guardians. Hyperbole is discouraged. vs LI / Face / X etc. Where hyperbole and anti truth works like flypaper, and algos go wild. On reddit, if you hyperbole, or make engagement-bate posts, you will not even be able to post it because the admins will remove it for not being newsworthy.
@sentry_co They are very strict that's the truth but on this media, I have never received such kind of scam. It is well moderated but as you said, very hard to push something through certain communities. Too much clustering (bubbles, echo chambers) so this way the information are for me more decluttered and when I start to understand how each of those individual communities thinks, the information is better sorted for me. But as I said, this is valid for me, not for others that's why I asked.
André J
@busmark_w_nika Problem with non-reddit SoMe's is that anti-truth is encouraged, because it creates more controversy. If I say something that is not true, it will get 100x views because people will react to it emotionally. Reddit rewrads newsworthyness. Hence why its a better source of truth. But this can change. If other SoMes finetune their algos to favour newsworthyness over controversy for controversy sake. I think it will happen. I think people are tiered of the drama.
When it comes to some (marketing) potential, I trust the most to YouTube and the Newsletter. That's why I invite you to subscribe both: 👉 YouTube: 👉 Newsletter: https://businessandmarketing.sub...
Tera Bitcoins
Imho, we can't define the trustworthiness of any platform because they're just tools. You can find people with good and bad intentions on all of them. Always DYOR!
@terabitcoins The internet used to be better place (I literally moved from TV to the internet not to see what was in TV). Now, the content from TV is on the Internet.
Tera Bitcoins
@busmark_w_nika Facts! Sad but true.
X and YouTube
@freddydeveloper YouTube is also cool, IMO.
Shabnam Katoch
Ha ha - I trust X and Reddit the most, rest all are very spammy and artificial - I find reddit most authentic
@shabb_katoch yep, X has many things in the feed but lately shows me some non-related stuff to me :D
Elena Tsemirava
Unfortunately, these days, you can't trust anything.
Aduma Emmanuel
In my point of view you're right about Facebook it's tough to trust with all the fake accounts. Reddit is a good platform for trustworthy discussions
Ash G
Just Reddit mostly.
@ash_grover do you also post here? If yes, how do you manage that you are not blocked from posting?
Ash G
@busmark_w_nika I post here sometimes, but the posts don't come up to the top* for some mysterious reason.
@ash_grover Pity :D I wanted to have some good guidance :D
Most trusted: Reddit, because of the in-depth discussions and niche communities, though it depends on the subreddit.
@atal163 True. Moderators are very strict about things.
zeeshan aslam
Interesting thoughts! I also find Facebook to be a bit sketchy at times with so much misinformation floating around.
Hilario Poguet
Think Facebook is definetly the least reliable there's so much misinformation on there
@hilario_poguet yep, the biggest social media, so the higher chances to not be trustworthy because of many users and AI.
Shivam Singh
X and Reddit are most trustworthy for me, rest other feels like more of a marketing platform rather than information sharing platforms.
@whatshivamdo I dunno... X is now full of irrelevant things for me – crypto etc. Like the algo pushes me totally random stuff.
📈 I trust `LinkedIn` the most. 🔝 Without a doubt, I trust `Facebook` the least. 📉
@aniruddhaadak LI – do you have there some regular news? Because on this platform it is more about career successes.
Jacky Liu
Highly recommend Rednote(小红书), in China, whatever we wanna do, such as planning a travel, find a roommate, even find a partner for my cat, we would use Rednote to find the information we trust.
Jacky Liu
@busmark_w_nika There are a lot of American users download it recent days, because the vibe of this community is kind. You can give it a try.
Marcus Freeland
Great question! I probably trust LinkedIn sources more than any other platform. All of the platforms are filled with fake accounts/bots now. The new AI generated accounts I'm seeing will be something we have to seriously consider in the near future. They're getting better.
@marcusfreeland How can you find out what was made by AI? Do you analyse it atm?
Marcus Freeland
@busmark_w_nika you can usually tell by the image used and then the posts. Usually they have other ai generated images and the posts are always think pieces, not so much about the length but just the content’s tone. They’re better put together than the bot accounts for sure.