With burnout, I think the most helpful thing for me is to get a change in environments physically. This could be:
- go to the gym and get away from my screens
- tidy up my house and re-arrange furniture
- go out into the city and have a day out meandering in new spots
- go on a trip!
True! Being in front of the screen for a long time makes me feel extra tired. Before, I used to be on my phone during my "break time". Good thing, I now have a beautiful golden retriever.. I overspend my break time with here. <3
I talked about this in a recent post on Linkedin:
I was on the edge of burnout as well.
My suggestion is to take some day off. And re-think your goals and routine.
If you want a person to talk to, just hit me on Linkedin or Twitter. I'm not a coach or anything similar LOL
@alessio_mavica Good post, Alessio! Definitely think there's an easy trap to fall into once you start attaching the idea of success with "crazy" work - as you put it!
Go for a walk as a fast solution, or travel somewhere as a long-term. Always reflecting and getting a lot of insights and unexpected boost of motivation after exploring new places.
Keep few things which keeps you motivated otherwise burnout is getting common, people are frustrated. We made internet, phone, laptops to make things easier but everything is more complicated now...
I go back to my ultimate "why". I take a break, be one with nature, work at the beach, hangout with my fave people, eat ice cream. Haha. So far, these work for me.
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