Simone Colucci

What will be the future of organic reach and SEO after GenAI?

Imagine a very likely future where AI-powered tools are able to produce at scale massive quantities of high-quality content with no supervision. This will offer tremendous advantage to some people at first, then market will shift to take it in and normalize the effects. But what about organic reach? What kind of strategy will be possible, at that point? Just curious if anyone is thinking about this as well :)

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There is a product launched yesterday doing the seo blog with AI. I would like to try it
Xavier JJ
In my opinion then branding and organic reach will be based on the founder's online personality. This is an Interesting topic though! Following this post!
Viktor Brešan
I am thinking about that as well - and numerous recent complaints about webpages tanking in search results, since the last google update, confirm my suspicions. Do you remember that one - content is the king. Well, the king is dead. Especially if it's repetitive content. Since anyone can create content about any subject at will, other metrics will be of greater significance in the future. Backlinks, time spent on a webpage, returning visitors, etc. That content creating advantage that you are mentioning is water under the bridge.
Elena Tsemirava
I don't think that it will be high-quality content. It will be something of average quality. But truly useful things, such as the exchange of experience, know-how, interesting ideas will still not be cancelled by AI.
Simone Colucci
@elenat if that's the case we're safe. But what if it isn't? Quality content is a mixture of source researching, information gathering, quality copy, proper structure, good images to support the read.... All of this could be done with AI. Not GPT4, but we've seen the rapid evolvement of these tools how it's going...
Super interesting discussion! I wonder whether we’ll end up in a world where you have a proven way to discriminate between ai-generated content and human-generated content. They will be probably equally great and people could choose what they want to get served. Or maybe search engines will have to adhere to some laws and guarantee a healthy mix of the two? Exciting to see how this is going to develop!
Maybe is product lead growth?