About me with @momen_elshamy and all Premast Team this week working to prepare for Premast plus 2.0 launching
A few months ago we launched ” Premast Plus”
and we l now on launched new version ” Plus 2.0
it would be great if you give a look! and give us your feedback
Thanks in Advance 🙏
Hi 👋
Did launch chrome extension for generating QR codes, that mostly solving my problems with QR codes) https://www.producthunt.com/post...
In part-time adding new features and maintain this project
Finalised the PR launch strategy and started a detailed launch plan including what happens when where with which resources etc to have the (hopefully) perfect game plan for the launch day. :))
Last week I reach a mini milestone! I have been working on a theoretical development project as an independent researcher for several years. My primary project is building an practice study approach which is inspired by ecological psychology. I call the project as the Ecological Practice approach. In order to test the approach, I have to find a practical domain to apply the approach. I choose Platform-based Social Practice and Adult Development as my research objectives. The final outcome is a new framework called Platform-for-Development (P4D). On Dec 13, 2020, I published the P4D framework (1.0). This month, I work on its 2.0 version. This week I finished the draft of the 2.0 version.
Here is a summary and friend links to my articles about the framework on Medium:
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