The best investment I made last year was in IRA gold. As a long-term asset, IRA gold provides stability and acts as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainties. Its intrinsic value tends to appreciate over time, offering a secure retirement portfolio.
Learn more here | investing in a gold ira could be a great idea. Diversifying with precious metals like gold enhances financial resilience, making it a wise choice for safeguarding wealth and securing future financial goals.
@busmark_w_nika it was FindMyData. I closed the domain, but I think there may be some website history out there. I still have the Facebook page for history reference😀
@busmark_w_nika No, I finished my service with the Army, now I'm a graduate student working on my PhD in History, Roman Empire and Early Judeo-Christian studies and interactions. Doesn't really go with my Product Hunt/Technology hobbies/obsession, but I love it and love the research.
@busmark_w_nika I would say definitely, I was able to see a lot of the world (not always the places you would want to take a vacation in lol) but it gives you a better understanding of the world, plus makes you feel very lucky for what you have and not to take anything for granted. I wish they would teach more history in schools, like Napoleon, or Alexander the Great. I love when content creators put together good history lessons, I know its boring to most people, but it can be made entertaining.
Better health brings more happiness, which increases your energy, which makes you more productive. All upside and no downside from putting health first.
The past few weeks. Yes now thinking it really is. I was very confused about how my career and my life were going. I avoided all the distractions and really invested in myself. I was procrastinating on the decision to learn Framer. But after leaving the job back in Aug, I really went straight into what I wanted next. The answer is still not clear but I never waited for Fridays and never felt like "Oh tomorrow is Monday". To be Frank I guess this is the first time in my life I'm experiencing this.
@busmark_w_nika I've become skeptical about crypto, so I don't hold any at the moment. It has changed a lot to the point that I can't tell what projects are legit and what projects are scams. I'm out for now.
@busmark_w_nika yes his name was Devansh Devansh he now has a major newsletter on machine learning now. I knew him before that though and he might still tutor.
My master in Europe. I get to live in a very different country than my own, immerse in a different culture and meet people I wouldn’t have met otherwise. That meant a lot looking back now.
@busmark_w_nika creative things & businesses, a few years back I would want to focus on things that would make me ''more'' money than what I genuinely enjoyed, well I was wrong!
There are several. I'm confident that founding Skyica and creating App Finder are two of them. (App Finder is an innovative and comprehensive advanced search engine for Android apps (soon iOS apps also). The objective is to make the apps and games optimally discoverable, for the benefit of both users and developers. See I'll launch App Finder here tomorrow.)
@busmark_w_nika I had planned to start a software company for a long time, but the realisation started with App Finder. When analysing the Android app market about 2 years ago, I noticed that there was no good tool to get an overview of the existing apps of some kind, or apps with specific features (see my comparison of App Finder with other tools for finding Android apps and games
Skyica however is not intended only as a company for App Finder. Many other mobile apps, and search engines for other things are planned.
The best investment that anyone can make is to their own growth (not limited to the physical one)... cause even after investing a lot in milk cans, my growth in terms of height is quite negligible.
And the other best investment is to help others grow after learning from your own experiences (which I try to do most of the time) - cause that helps me grow as well as an intellectual being ^^
Fabric Content Analyzer
Fabric Content Analyzer
App Finder
App Finder