There is no shortage of software for communication. The more important question is what are you trying to achieve when you communicate? It's not so much the tool but what are the agreed processes.
For a better meeting, the team needs a shared discipline of agenda-building, note-taking and action items to end. Then share out in Slack in a team channel. (Docs, Zoom, Slack)
Lot of people use Slack then get overwhelmed because "chatter" has replaced clear communication. Slack can work for you but the company needs to agree on how to use it. I highly recommend: and have a culture where you regularly leave or archive channels or re-direct people to where the discussion is happening.
I find having a document (Google Docs or Notion) to act as a table of contents to keep track all the technical doc, Figma, Loom etc. related to a project helpful. It can also be done in Basecamp.
Slack, Gmail, both Google Meet and Zoom (it's an eternal battle...). We use Slack Connect for external communication as well - a single channel with our customers so that they can reach us quickly with feedback! (We're very early stage)
At work, we use Slack. But for the last few months I have been using Findz for personal communication, collecting my holiday shopping list and planning parties, events, etc with Friends and family (even colleagues). Here's a preview:
Manipulist for MacOS
Common Room
Kairos NFTs