Evgeniy Yakubovskiy

What should an IT startup team be like?

In general, the team of an IT startup is one of its most dangerous components. What should it be like? I am the CEO of the startup inqoob https://www.producthunt.com/upco..., and here is my opinion of the team: First of all, it should be staffed. This means that the team must include a tech lead, backend and frontend developers, a designer, a tester, a system administrator, and a manager. On the other hand, the smaller the team, the more functions are combined by one person - this is generally not bad, but only at the very early stages of the project when it is important to quickly make the first version, not wasting time on bureaucracy, processes, and meticulous planning. Second, it's a team effort. Intra-team misunderstandings are like the sand in the clockwork. Of course, over time, any team is capable of "fitting in," but the consequences of the process itself are very unpredictable.

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Viktoria Pupazina
For a minimum working startup, you need three people: - One who makes the product. (technician). - The one who sells the product. (salesman) - The one who does all the organizational work, taking all the non-core workload off of the first two. (manager/owner/director)
Alyona Voloshyna
In a good startup team, specialists are competent, responsible, and motivated to work for the good of the company and, in the end, lead it to success. Experimenting with positions and building entire departments is not possible, so it is better to look for the right people right away.
Daniel Engels
Well, it's easy to say that a startup team should be staffed with a tech lead, backend and frontend developers, a designer, a tester, a system administrator, and a manager. But in practice, most startups begin small. It's completely normal for early stage to combine multiple functions in a single person. Isn't it the whole idea of "lean startup" to build an MVP with few means before scaling up?
Evgeniy Yakubovskiy
@daniel_engels I agree. You can do this with small forces at the first stage. The first 5-to 7 members of the startup team should have a universal set of knowledge and skills.