What's your secret sauce for crushing it on PH?


Hey there! πŸš€ When it comes to launching on Product Hunt, what's your go-to magic trick for capturing the audience's hearts and minds? Whether you're all about sparking lively conversations in the comments, spreading the word on social media, collaborating with influencers, or even some other creative approach – I want to know your best moves! Can't wait to hear your thoughts! πŸ™Œ

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Fabian Frank Werner
Create valuable content around your product. Build a monetizable audience hungry for more. Sell your creation.
AndrΓ© J
There is no magic trick. Its all about spamming on linkedin πŸ˜‚
@sentry_co LOOOL 🀣 what about writing an article on dev.to about the problem you are trying to solve for your open source community?
AndrΓ© J
@michelepomposo Dev.to is great. But more about code etc. PH is all about breaking 2-300 upvotes the first 1-3 hours. Most people do that by using linkedin and getting the word out.
@sentry_co How would you approach "spamming on linkedin"? You mean writing a lot of posts or actually cold-reaching people you don't know with your product?
AndrΓ© J
@gabriele_mazzola You connect. Ask people of influence on PH to check you out. If they like what you launch. Then there will be a strong tailwind effect from these PH influencers. Because other followers of them will see that they think your product is cool. But it requires your product to be awesome of course. The average notion template or AI chatbot won't cut it πŸ˜…
@sentry_co Makes total sense. How would you reach out to influencers on PH to showcase them your product? A good old linkedin message?
@olenabomko great contribution to this discussion! I really like the BE A NORMAL HUMAN part 😊 and I totally agree with you... hard work always pays off!
Jake Harrison
Ask feedback before you launch and make more friends
@jakeharr thx! what are your favorite ways and places to ask for feedback?
@jakeharr @michelepomposo I am also quite interested in finding way to get proper feedback and grow my network here on PH
@gabriele_mazzola what are you building these days? I think the best way to start to grow your network is be active on PH (support others, create discussions, comment on others' discussions) as also @olenabomko has shared
@michelepomposo Currently working on an app leveraging AI and human-curated content to provide a different travelling experience. At the moment, we're wrapping up the assets, so we'll probably schedule the launch soon!
Tochukwu Mbiamnozie
Very nice insights here. I find it valuable and learnt a lot to prepare for my launch tomorrow.
AndrΓ© J
Salar Davari
I think the product should be of some use to the general community. And we should create such a community around our product. While we're still on that. I'd appreciate it if you took a look and checked my product.
Sagar Patel
I don’t about crushing it, I just engage people and try to be an active participant on discussion. πŸ˜…
@sagarpatel10 cool! what is your upcoming launch about?
Fahad ⚑️
These were useful tips! Our launch, at Wind, is in 2 hours today, and I would so appreciate your support! ❀️
Fahad ⚑️
@michelepomposo Haha fosure! We're called Wind.app! You can find us on the homepage! πŸ™Œ Would love your feedback
Relja Denic
Lin Vert
Trying to give valuable content
Semyon Fridman
Engaging with the community and showcasing unique AI-driven features can make a difference. Also, humor always helps! πŸ˜‰ What's everyone's go-to strategy?
Hirak Kocharee
Engage with the PH community and connect on LinkedIn.
Neel Patel
It's called secret sauce for a reason :P @michele_pomposo Jk. A good launch plan and a good product based on PH community as Target audience, should suffice.
Molly Payne
Consistent innovation, user-centric focus, and a dash of resilience fuel my Product Hunt success.
Sonia Frazier
Well, there's no one-size-fits-all formula for success on Product Hunt, but I can share some strategies that have worked well for me. Firstly, it's all about creating a great product or service that genuinely solves a problem or adds value to users. Quality matters the most. Secondly, timing is critical. Launching your product at the right time, often during Product Hunt's peak traffic hours, can give you more visibility and a better chance to trend. Engaging with the Product Hunt community is also crucial. I make sure to actively participate in discussions, answer questions, and express gratitude for feedback. Building relationships with other hunters can be beneficial too. Remember, there's no one 'secret sauce,' but rather a combination of strategies, hard work, and a bit of luck that can lead to a successful launch on Product Hunt.
Annette Harvey
No magic trick exists. The main focus is spamming LinkedIn.
Mary Wilkerson
No magic trick exists. The focus is on spamming LinkedIn.
David James