They are two different things, I think.
Motivation should be a given, I don't see how I can lose it, unless major things happen.
Discouraged - that will happen all the time, typically when you're approaching a corner, and can't see much ahead.
If it keeps on for long, try to pivot, try to find new ways, just like the water does, downstream 😊
@cansu_aydede it depends on your day/project/mood etc. if your are in a bad mood, every single result matters. the atomic results matter, in a "normal" time you would gather them together, and say I did 1thing because you do GTD ( Getting Things Done ).
But in a bad Mood, every little step counts !
This is an excellent question! to stay motivated, I'm forcing myself, I try to use self-persuasion to think only of the positive, etc. But it is very difficult and not 100% reliable.
The most complicated thing is to ignore the discouraging factors, whether they are personal, professional, relational or situational.
I am curious to read the answers of others.
Thank you for bringing this topic to the table
That is a great question. For me, it's about acknowledging micro wins while keeping macro goals in my mind. Small wins are underrated and they help a lot to move the needle daily!
Prior to Switching career to the IT, I stayed motivated for two reasons (specific to periods of my life):
1. Early career - money
2. Once I got enough money and material compensation didn't motivate me, it became important to switch my career to do something more challenging for my brains. And it that period, breaking into IT was my goal, and I was motivated to do my old job quickly and efficiently enough, so that I could save time and energy for learning programming.
3. After switching to the IT, I am motivated by great things that senior developers can do and how they approach difficult tasks. I seek expertise and knowledge, and it's the best motivator - Curiosity.
What I found during my early 5 years of career in different fields, is that if you are even questioning about motivation - probably something is wrong and you need to adjust. Curiosity + generous compensation + interesting (challenging) problems to solve = the best motivation. If you have these three, you don't even have to 'motivate' yourself.
@cansu_aydede being stoical when face adversity is a trait that I've developed due to some misfortunate events / losses in my family when I was a teenager. Compared to that, anything thrown at me doesn't seem too much to bear with. Of course I do feel down sometimes, sometimes quite often, and I think like 'oh my God, that's too much to handle', but it's never longer than a few days or weeks.
I don't know how I would act if something happened to my physical health that would prevent me from doing what I love, but as long as I can think and express myself, not many things seem impossible to go through.
It's very individual, but I never felt down about career / work related problems - it happens.
When I felt depressed due to feeling stuck in a wrong career path and with no hope to quit it quickly, I've converted my anger and disappointment into action - in my case, learning programming, finding mentors and building networking that helped me land my first software development job.
P.S. I really love cooking and eating, I really enjoy it and I'm really glad that my brain / neuro systems can generate enough endorphins / dopamine whatever make me feel good. But when I really enjoy the food - not eating much, but eating something delicious - I feel like that itself is enough to keep living / fighting :) And stargazing is another thing that helps me recharge and get to work the next day.
Regular breaks (sticking to them even on the busiest day) with some of the things I enjoy doing that are nothing related to work: pastel de nata and coffee at a nearby shop with a colleague, going to a park for half an hour workout, researching for my side hustle with farming, reading a book for 10 mins, looking up to product/tech updates
Set goal and write them down and post them somewhere you can see. Whether you want to learn about personal finance or trade Stocks, Currencies, Commodities and Indices our guides will help you.
@cansu_aydede Yes, I track them in task management app or sometimes it's just a sheet of paper on my refrigerator. My previous goal was to set up Paddle for my SaaS. My current goal is 5 paying customers and it's just a sheet of paper.
Reward yourself! Some aspects of my work can be very monotone so I motivate myself with little rewards when I manage to finish a not so fun task. My favorite reward is a quick coffee break with a colleague - talking with them can be so inspiring, I always learn something new from or about them and some topics boost my motivation for days!
I like the afore-mentioned progress reviews (it's easy to forget or discount the progress you've made!) and would add that using a few minutes for listing what's going well/what you're grateful for can help shift your mental mode.
@cansu_aydede I use a notebook for recording what's happening at work and a journal to reflect on my life. But I'm sure there are online tools for the same.
Motivation goes and comes, it depends on your mood the progress you do in any field and the results.
I wise man told me once, motivation is not the real shit, it's consistents. That means regardless of motivating yourself, is it possible that you wake up early, do the hard work, do your health routines. and focusing yourself on a goal ?
Because if you can than its not important what your goal is, which project you are working or who you are working with.
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