hey there bro! ah, the question of 'regrets'. quite a perspective, isn't it? 🤔
i like to think of it this way: regrets are simply lessons dressed in hindsight. yes, we might look back and wish we’d made different decisions. but each step, each detour, every moment spent seemingly ‘in the wrong place’ led us here, to who we are now.
your journey to starting your own startup wasn't just about the moment you officially launched. it was about all the experiences, lessons, failures, and triumphs you had along the way. they've shaped you, made you the founder you are today.
instead of thinking of 'not starting earlier' as a regret, consider it a part of your unique path. we tend to glorify the idea of being an early starter, but truth is, there's no universally 'right' time to start. your timeline isn't someone else's. your journey is yours alone, and it's uniquely valuable.
take this perspective forward. embrace your unique path, with all its twists and turns. use it to fuel your startup’s growth. and remember, the only 'right' time is the time that’s right for you.
keep creating. keep growing. your journey is just beginning. cheers to the adventure ahead! 🚀
A big regret would be getting stuck on those regrets. Spending too much time in the past won't let you move forward. Your past is a series of lessons to help lead you to a future of success. Lessons, not regrets, are great motivators.
My biggest regret is not building content sooner. For the 3 months leading up to launch we only relied on paid google ads to build our waitlist. Started content only post launch - just 3 reels generated as many signups as our entire $5000 Google Ads waitlist.
@profy17 I just do thing nothing special the important thing to know is that your mind will trick you so all become normal and i think "oooo silly mind are you trying again?"
Once I was a founder it is hard to get a regular job because a lot of big tech guys think that you would quit soon when you find a new idea and a co-founder.
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