Cem Özçelik

What's Your Biggest Challenge These Days?


Share the biggest challenge you're facing these days and let's help each other out!

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Our AI product launched on Product Hunt today, and I feel it's been my biggest challenge these past few days!
Julia Zakharova
With deception in vacancies. In the vacancy they write one thing, at the interview they ask another, in the DM they write three terms of hiring, and even worse. and I have many such examples.
Kevin Not-A-Robot
@julia_zakharova2 You'll be surprised at how disorganized companies tend to be regarding the hiring process. Internally, most departments don't communicate, so HR writes job descriptions without speaking to the department leads who are looking for talent. Hence the disconnect in descriptions. More often than not, the department looking for talent is so overworked that it doesn't have time to craft a job description that reflects exactly what it needs in a hire.
Kevin Not-A-Robot
@julia_zakharova2 I understand now. Yeah, that is a bad form for them to do. You are correct that sometimes they'll try to talk you down from a high salary, hoping you'll take the job and they'll save some money on overhead. I know it's easier said than done, but sometimes you have to be upfront and real with people in an interview. If they look to be devaluing your skills to save money, pause the interview and ask them if they feel your credentials and experience discussed are worth the salary being discussed. There is no point in continuing the conversation if their goal is to try and hire you for a cheap price.
Julia Zakharova
@thegoodbadugly_ai Exactly so, when I realized that the discussion was sliding towards finding minuses in me as a specialist - the dialogue ended. Thank you for understanding
Aaron Hays
@julia_zakharova2 I can totally empathize with the anger and frustration. This employer market is one I've never seen before. It's illogical to me.
Simona O'Neill
Finding influencers to work with who do not ask for a sponsorship fee and are willing to work on a revenue share basis 🙄.
Cem Özçelik
@simona_o_neill3 Hey Simona! That’s a brilliant idea! Why not turn it into a project? “The Great Influencer Hunt: Revenue Share Edition” has a nice ring to it! 😄 Good luck!
Kostya Bolshukhin
@simona_o_neill3 do you have a cases to show them how much they could get from working with you? If not, have you thought about making 1-2 with sponsors or micro-influencers, get case with numbers so it would be easier negotiating revshare later?
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
@simona_o_neill3 do you have an affiliate program that compensates them for secured business? or do they just want cash up front? Curious how you're solving this issue.
Simona O'Neill
@dzaitzow Yes, we have an affiliate program anyone can join. But for all larger influencer accounts I am reaching out to we offer a bigger percentage for each sale. The thing is we only want to work with people who trully love and believe in our product. The ones who will review our product and will genuinely recommend it. Anytime I see a sponsored post I know that the creator's recommendation was bought rather than something they believe would sell regardless. They all seem to just want cash upfront without even looking at the product. The ones who do look at it want to work with us straight away, but it's super difficult to get to that stage.
Simona O'Neill
@kostyabolsh Hey, yep that's exactly the right approach and what I'm trying to do. I have some smaller accounts onboard already (tested the product, love it, making content, already sold licenses through their affiliate link etc). I also have a very notable Youtube account preparing to test our product next week. So fingers crossed 🤞. If they love it and put the content out it's game on. We'll have lots of social proof and it should be much easier. But it's a real struggle getting people to talk to you in first place.
I am building an application to practise your language learning skills. Out of 50 folks, around 8 think it is a good idea/something they'd like to try. Don't know why, I am on the fence to do it or not. Especially, the $100 investment in Apple's Developer program.
Cem Özçelik
@vaibhavdwivedi Hey Vaibhav! If it feels right, go for it! Sometimes you just have to start to see where it leads. Good luck!
@cem_ozcelik Thanks, mate. At this point, I really need some word of encouragement to push through because it definitely feels helpful and i have invested a month already.
Rupal Saini
For me, the challenge right now is managing my attention across projects. I struggle to fully focus on tasks, so I am working on improving this through meditation and time allotment methods.
Cem Özçelik
@rupal_saini Hey Rupal! Sometimes the best way to boost productivity is by taking breaks. Stepping away from tasks can help you return with a clearer mind and more focus. Keep going!
Azies Alfasha
Scheduling work and personal life amidst a busy schedule. Any tips on time management and prioritization would be greatly appreciated!
Cem Özçelik
@azies_alfasha Hey Azies! I totally get where you're coming from. I've struggled with the same issue myself. My solution? Notion and good old pen and paper. I use Notion to organize both my work and personal life, but no matter what, I always find my perfect plan by writing things down in a notebook. It’s like magic—my ideas just make more sense on paper! 😄 Hope this helps!
charles shiro
Product Promotion. Developed an ai search tool that now has about 400,000 users per month, but there are a lot of industry giants that are grabbing the market with us.
 Tech trends
I have created a website but it is not ranking that's a big challenge in my life now a days
Cem Özçelik
@techtrends Hey! Sorry to hear about your ranking issues. Is it not getting indexed at all, or is it just not ranking well? Maybe we can brainstorm some solutions together!
Kouley Moussa Adoum
Finding the right product to sell to the right people
Cem Özçelik
@kouley_moussa_adoum Hey Kouley! Ah, the eternal quest! It’s like trying to find the perfect pair of socks—they’re out there somewhere, just gotta keep digging through the drawer. 😄 Good luck!
Goktug Can Simay
To reach many more customers. We are confident in the quality service we provide. You no longer need to spend hours analyzing charts. Click on the coins you want to trade and find out their future price. CryptOn Forecast - Cryptocurrencies Price Prediction Service cryptonforecast.com
Leo Paz
Trying to find the right balance of time management between friends and work
It's my first time launching my own product as a hunter. I'm aiming to be #1!
Robyn Kline
Struggling to stay focused. So many distractions, so little time. Any tips for boosting productivity?
Adnan Sher
For my right now, the biggest challenge I am facing is to manage the launch of Azadana. It is going very terrible so far.
Uttam Kumar B
Right now, dealing with burnout is my main challenge. The workload has been intense, and it's hard to find time to recharge
Zachary Ferioli
I'm 16 so setting up developer accounts on iOS and Android is a pain. Both services require you to be 18 and its terrible.
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
I think for me its understanding what the next steps to take are as we're pre launch and we're a team of 1 technical individual and 1 non technical person (me) so I'd love to be shouting from the ceilings but I am curious how other - no code founders - made sure their time was productive with pushed launches when the product wasn't ready for the market at large.
Renee Wu
Learning about how to start a business from zero with no experience.
One of the biggest challenges these days is effectively managing time and prioritizing tasks in an increasingly demanding and fast-paced environment. Balancing work, personal commitments, and self-care can be difficult, especially with the constant influx of information and responsibilities. Additionally, staying motivated and focused on long-term goals amidst daily distractions and short-term pressures requires significant effort and discipline.
Waking up early in the morning and going to the gym in the evening after work🥹.