Jim Morrison

What's the ONE thing all founders need to succeed?


I think it's 'grit' - the determination to keep iterating and experimenting till you get it right... ... but since one of my products (twiDAQ) is 12 years old.. that might just mean I don't know when to quit! What's the *one* thing that unifies all successful founders?

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I agree and I would add- The *one* thing that unifies all successful founders is innovation - the willingness to change and adjust according to the needs of *now*. :)
Jim Morrison
@maria_brm I love this, yes... I think in order to really call yourself a founder, much less be successful, you do have to be able to innovate in some way. Even founders who hit the market with a pre-existing idea... if they make a success of it then they have innovated some route to market that no-one else saw. Yes. Innovation has got to be in the running for the top-spot.
@jimbomorrison Exactly! I agree! ^_^ Also, when you analyze big founders - they have innovations very often. And it scales from some tiny simple changes monthly or periodically, to big upgrades yearly or in several years.. ^_^
Jason Scott
I heavily agree with determination. If you have a vision of what you're trying to create and why you think the world needs it, adapt it to the market demands, you're on the right path. I think we also think of a vision as needing to be world changing but actually, an entertaining product like twiDAQ equally adds value to someone.
Jim Morrison
@jason_scott2 that's true. I don't think "vision" has to be altruistic or world-changing to make a company a success... but it probably does need to be there to build a good enough team to realise that success. Something something Simon Sinek something. 😃
Laura Linham
I think...a willingness to own up to mistakes. Honesty and transparency is so important to me. I'd hate to see places like PH and IH become LinkedIn-style 'I'm awesome look at me'. You learn more from mistakes and experiments than you do anything else. And from founders, I see people talking about their mistakes, owning up to them, being honest and growing from it - and trying to help others from making those same mistakes. Sharing their knowledge and experience. I think that's what makes a founder a founder - not just finding your own place and successes, but playing little teeny-tiny parts in other people's success, too.