Kausambi Manjita

What’s the best AI-based video tool for shorts or reels?

Need a recommendation for portrait mode / vertical videos in general.

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Kumar Harsh
Hiro - Atsuhiro Teshima
I think Submagic is getting quite popular these days. https://www.submagic.co/ We recently created a video introducing 4 short form video editing tools including Submigic.
Mohit Korabu
+1 looking for the same
Sandhya Varatharajan
Klap.app is quite popular and seems like the go-to editing tool for shorts.
Kausambi Manjita
@sandhya_varatharajan Have ya tried it? Is it easy for reel kind of videos?
Ashna S
Heard about Steve AI recently
Kausambi Manjita
@ashna_s Did it work for verticals? I cant seem to find it in app store.. share download link!
Barada Sahu
Apoorva Shukla
Haven't found one focussing on portrait, but klap.app seems to generate such content from YT vids
Praveen Patil
Dumme studio (dumme.com) if we dump the video link it understands the context and it chooses the content for the shorts and creates a bunch of short videos.