Rick Turoczy

What's one piece of advice you'd like to give your pre-founder self…?


[Caveat: I know this gets asked every now and then. It's been a minute since I've seen a recent post asking this.] Think about everything you've learned since you started your first project. It's staggering, isn't it? And honestly, most of what you know today requires the context of years of experience to even make sense. Still, there are those snippets of insight. Truisms that are readily understandable and intelligible by even the most naive novice. Like you were. When you started. With that in mind, you now have the opportunity to share some of your current knowledge with that earlier version of you. By writing a note to yourself. What is one thing you wish you had known before you began this journey of building products, setting up side hustles, or starting startups…? I'm looking forward to learning from you. Thanks in advance.

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Rebecca Alexander
Your energy is your greatest resource. If something or someone is draining you and not filling you back up, cut it out!
Rick Turoczy
@portlandrebecca Thank you, Rebecca. I really appreciate you.
Rick Turoczy
@portlandrebecca I want to make sure to capture these for posterity. Just wanted to check if you'd like to be identified or should I attribute this to "Anonymous"…? Let me know!
Rick Turoczy
@portlandrebecca Thanks so much!
Jill Salzman
SLOW DOWN. I'd remind myself about that virtue/patience thing....
Rick Turoczy
@foundingmom Excellent. Love it!
Rick Turoczy
@foundingmom I want to make sure to capture these for posterity. Just wanted to check if you'd like to be identified or should I attribute this to "Anonymous"…? Let me know!
Rick Turoczy
@foundingmom Awesome. Appreciate it!
Tyler Sticka
You're a person first and a creator second. Be kind to yourself.
Rick Turoczy
@tylersticka Well said, Tyler. Really appreciate you chiming in!
Rick Turoczy
@tylersticka I want to make sure to capture these for posterity. Just wanted to check if you'd like to be identified or should I attribute this to "Anonymous"…? Let me know!
Rick Turoczy
@tylersticka Awesome. Thanks Tyler!
Rick Turoczy
@maxwellcdavis You should be nicer to past Maxwell 😂
Rick Turoczy
@maxwellcdavis 🤣🤣🤣
Rick Turoczy
@maxwellcdavis I want to make sure to capture these for posterity. Just wanted to check if you'd like to be identified or should I attribute this to "Anonymous"…? Let me know!
Ande Lyons
One thing? Focus on the long game; don't compare your journey with someone else's highlight reel; prove that value prop... again and again; find a founder peer support group; you never fail when you launch a business - entrepreneurship is the best personal development program out there, and it sets up you to win now or later. ♥
Rick Turoczy
@andelyons Ha! I was trying to make it easy with one thing. You're welcome to share as many as you like. Thank you!
Rick Turoczy
@andelyons I want to make sure to capture these for posterity. Just wanted to check if you'd like to be identified or should I attribute this to "Anonymous"…? Let me know!
Rick Turoczy
@andelyons Much appreciated!
Dale Clareburt
So many things. 1. Remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint. 2. Be narrow and specific about what you build and who it’s for. 3. Hire the best people you can afford. And ensure they have the same passion and commitment that you do.
Rick Turoczy
@daleclareburt So so good! Thanks very much.
Rick Turoczy
@daleclareburt I want to make sure to capture these for posterity. Just wanted to check if you'd like to be identified or should I attribute this to "Anonymous"…? Let me know!
Rick Turoczy
@daleclareburt Excellent. Thank you Dale!
Xavier Coiffard
Don't wait for the product to be ready, start selling it now!
Rick Turoczy
@angezanetti I use the one all of the time. Love it.
Rick Turoczy
@angezanetti I want to make sure to capture these for posterity. Just wanted to check if you'd like to be identified or should I attribute this to "Anonymous"…? Let me know!
Take it easy, everything that is worth comes with time..You don't need to be good at everything, know your strengths and how to delegate
Rick Turoczy
@jennifer00 Great callout! So many founders try to shore up their weaknesses instead of playing to their strengths.
Rick Turoczy
@jennifer00 I want to make sure to capture these for posterity. Just wanted to check if you'd like to be identified or should I attribute this to "Anonymous"…? Let me know!
Neil Wainwright
Don't start as an Apple Dealer...go straight into software because software rocks! 😀
Rick Turoczy
@neil_wainwright I want to make sure to capture these for posterity. Just wanted to check if you'd like to be identified or should I attribute this to "Anonymous"…? Let me know!
Rick Turoczy
@neil_wainwright Thanks so much!
Vivek Ganesan
For me, it is this - Validate before build
Rick Turoczy
@vivek_ganesan Totally screwed this up on one of my startups!
Rick Turoczy
@vivek_ganesan I want to make sure to capture these for posterity. Just wanted to check if you'd like to be identified or should I attribute this to "Anonymous"…? Let me know!
Vivek Ganesan
@turoczy I want to own up to having been rash :) So, why not? Please identify me :)
Rick Turoczy
@vivek_ganesan 😂 Thank you!
James Augeri
nothing matters if users can't click something: mockup, prototype, early mvp, later MVP, full app -- whatever it is, get the user something they can click through and do that fast and often -- "always be clicking" as they say
Rick Turoczy
@gotobits Love it! Thank so much
Rick Turoczy
@gotobits I want to make sure to capture these for posterity. Just wanted to check if you'd like to be identified or should I attribute this to "Anonymous"…? Let me know!