What's one piece of advice you'd like to give your pre-founder self…?
[Caveat: I know this gets asked every now and then. It's been a minute since I've seen a recent post asking this.]
Think about everything you've learned since you started your first project. It's staggering, isn't it?
And honestly, most of what you know today requires the context of years of experience to even make sense. Still, there are those snippets of insight. Truisms that are readily understandable and intelligible by even the most naive novice.
Like you were. When you started.
With that in mind, you now have the opportunity to share some of your current knowledge with that earlier version of you. By writing a note to yourself.
What is one thing you wish you had known before you began this journey of building products, setting up side hustles, or starting startups…?
I'm looking forward to learning from you. Thanks in advance.
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