Ryan Gilbert

What's in your workspace?


For the last year+ I've been curating amazing WFH setups in a weekly newsletter called Workspaces. I'll start here: - 2020 M1 Mac Mini - LG UltraFine 4K Display - cheap Logitech wireless mouse - Apple Magic Keyboard - AirPod Pros - Lots of books (Founders at Work, Disrupted, Creativity Inc, etc) - Old MacBook Pro - Logitech C920x HD Pro Webam I'm curious... what's in YOUR workspace!?

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Biema Christina Banez
More than the devices and technicals, a cup of iced coffee & a journal for brain dump and self-motivation. 🍵
Sheikh Imran Mahmud
Sarah Wright
Can I piggy back off of your question and ask who has a standing desk at home and uses it? My guess is that most people get one and then rarely use it. Am I wrong?
Ryan Gilbert
@sarah_wright7 great question! I've often considered getting one but have never finalized the purchase out of fear I'd use it for the first ~week and then never again.
James Daly
@sarah_wright7 here in defence of standing desks haha I have one and love it, I've fallen into the habit of switching from standing to sitting and back every 40min or so every day, I don't think I could go back. I'd recommend an electric one though; if there's the hassle of manually adjusting it each time it might add too much of a 'barrier' for switching
@sarah_wright7 I agree with @jamesdaly90. From experience, get an electric one or you'll never use.
Sarah Wright
@jamesdaly90 Switching off every 40 min or so does sound great!
Jaskiran Kaur
Acer Laptop, i5 7th gen processor , a mouse , one plus ear budz and Redmi Note 8 pro Phone
Natalie Karakina
Macbook Air (2014), Logitech mouse, Airpods
I've been micro-optimizing my setup for about a decade. Most of my work is on my custom desktop PC. It's a couple years old now, but I overspent on RAM and NVMe drives so it can handle anything work related. Each project has it's own VM in VMWare Workstation, because I don't want 8 different databases running in the background all the time. This also allows me to test fault tolerant configurations like multi-master DB replication. My monitor is a 32" Dell ultra wide w/ 2K level resolution. I found this to be the most readable. I may venture into the 5K displays and do 2x scaling down the road. DAS mechanical keyboard. Logitech MX master mouse. Sennheiser HD 650 headphones with relatively cheap Fiio DAC. For those video calls, I've got the standard Logitech 920 webcam and Jabra Evolve 65 headset which I've been really happy with.
Ryan Gilbert
@kevbot how do you like that keyboard? mechanical keyboard is my next workspace purchase...
@ryangilbert I really do. I picked this one because it looked sleek and it has music and volume controls. There's also 2 USB ports which come in handy. It's a little clacky, but not as bad as some of the others I've heard. It might be fun to build a mechanical keyboard one day for the extra nerd cred, but this one has worked really well.
Imran Mahmud
my pc
Mahmud Imran
laptop with airpods
Nick Freiling
I'm more interested in the furniture, layout, and ambience of WFH spaces. Do you cover this in your newsletter?
Ryan Gilbert
@nickfreiling I do to an extent! The newsletter itself is very visual. Here are some of my favorites when it comes to furniture/ambiance: Rob Hope - https://www.workspaces.xyz/p/037... Ariel Norling - https://www.workspaces.xyz/p/034... Teresa Man - https://www.workspaces.xyz/p/032... Jessica Harllee - https://www.workspaces.xyz/p/030... Katy DeCorah - https://www.workspaces.xyz/p/wor...
I just realised the whole last week, I've been using a plank of wood for my desk. I sit outside with a plank of wood on my lap, macbook air on top
Calum Webb
I've been working on improving my workspace for some time now and I'm pretty happy with my current set-up: - Macbook Pro - Logitech G915 (because who doesn't love a bit of RGB on their desk + it switches really quickly between my PC and Mac) - Logitech MX Master 3 - LG curved display - Razer Kiyo (Not well-optimised for Mac, but the ring light helps a lot!)
Murali Gottumukkala
Mac, Plant, Water and sticky notes
Elina R
home, macbook air m1, my iPhone and good music
Audrey Rampon
It's quite minimalist on my side! - Wireless Logitech mouse + keyboard - Laptop stand - MacBook Air + charger + Airpods - A notebook + pen - A bottle of water - A cup of coffee (usually empty after 8.30 am) 😆
Nina Roper Yearwood
- a cup of tea - laptop - bluetooth mouse - laptop stand - pens - a big notebook
Aleks Bochkov
- Macbook Pro - Airpods - Spotify - Green tea - LabiOffice :)
imran mahmud
Liza Karelina
I don't have really workspace. I like to change locations in my flat. But with me are often Mac, wireless mouse logitech and cup of water 😁
Cica-Laure Mbappé
My workspace changes during the week as I WFH (could be in my kitchen or in my garden) and from the office. My top essentials are my MacBook Pro, headphones, phone, tea mug, hand sanitizer and tissues.
Ryan Gilbert
Thanks for sharing the details of your setups everyone! If you're interested in sharing visuals of your workspace with the newsletter let me know on Twitter (@rjgilbert) and I'll get you in! Some of my favorite workspaces highlighted in the newsletter so far are: Katy DeCorah - https://www.workspaces.xyz/p/wor... Joey Banks - https://www.workspaces.xyz/p/035... Ariel Norling - https://www.workspaces.xyz/p/034... Jessica Harllee - https://www.workspaces.xyz/p/030... Gabriel Valdivia - https://www.workspaces.xyz/p/046... Do you have any favorites?