Binay Singh

What's been the toughest thing about dealing with your mental health?


Mental health is a very complex and delicate topic, which is why it can be difficult to deal with on your own. Sometimes the hardest thing about dealing with mental health is understanding that there is something wrong and seeking help. How do you cope with such issues?

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Sana Midha
I have always seen how easy it is for almost anyone to give out the best advices to their friends and family about doing things that make them happy and feed their soul. However, when it comes to taking my own advice in promoting my mental wellness, I can lack in that. Additionally, I find it difficult to distance myself from "energy vampires" who are either close friends/family.
Mayank Jain
First of all, "accept" that there could be a mental health issue. Once we cross this, it becomes easier. It's like getting started in anything we do. The most difficult part of taking that first step, and here, it's acceptance. Second, I would say if seeking professional help. Just because there is no physical health issue, we think we don't need professional help. However, we shy away from doing this because of a lot of other reasons like social stigma, our own reservation, scepticism and so on.
Utkarsh Raj
From my POV its the flow of thoughts. Whether its positive or negative if we learn to control that, will surely helps in improving mental health. Letting go meditation is one of the best way to get that control :)
Binay Singh
Thank you Utkarsh. Thats a very wise advice :) People must try to indulge themselves in activities like Yoga and Meditation :) @utkarsh_raj3
Ramandeep Ramarayane
Coping with mental health issues can be a daunting task, but it is important to remember that there is help available. It may take some time and effort, but reaching out for help is the first step in overcoming these challenges. In fact, seeking professional help can often be the best option if you are not able to cope on your own.
Soumya Chaturvedi
Acceptance is the most important thing... You must allow yourself to feel the thoughts and realise that it won't last long Moment you feel low just switch your self to something productive.. I know it will be very difficult but only you can help yourself
Chetan Natesh
this will sound cliche, but have goals helps a lot, but they must be achievable ones!
Rahelita Luki
the people around me that think I am being dramatic over nothing. as a person who got diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder living in the environment where people think mental illness is just a stage where a person not being religious enough, I often made fun of by being anxious over something that made me uncomfortable, even people are being judgemental toward me by telling I should pray a lot harder.
Binay Singh
OCD is real. It's a high time people should understand this. Never give heed to anyone. Mental illness is something that should be talked about aloud and always be ready to seek professional help :) all the best and take care :) @rahelitaluki
Shon Paunan
Weight gain and those judgemental people around you calling you crazy and fat. But I learned to detach, and now I am better
Pragruthaa Rabichandran
James Lee
Hi! I always knew that I could benefit from speaking to a counselor for relationships, but I always had a reason not to, even though I would look into it frequently. But now, after reading these reviews and this online therapy I feel less guilty for feeling and I'm improving on how the best to handle my real emotions and sensitivity, and how correct to communicate with them!