Here is mine that I struggle to promote it as much as possible: ,,Women are naturally better at multitasking, so they should handle everything at work and home." Just because women CAN multitask doesn’t mean they SHOULD always wear more than one hat at a time.
I have never liked the advice, “Move fast and break things.”
Sure, speed is important, but rushing often leads to sloppy work and frustrated users. I think it’s better to move fast while staying mindful, taking time to get the details right can make all the difference.
I don't like the popular saying, "Fake it until you make it."
I don't think it's okay to deceive users and sell them a product that doesn't exist. Talking about the future of a product is great, but selling a product that doesn't exist seems like a scam to me.
That work life balance and hustling are opposites. Because you cannot pout from an empty cup and if you want to hustle you need work-life balance to keep you going
'' Work-life balance is about working less." I disagree.
It's not about working less but working smarter, prioritizing tasks, setting boundaries, and making time for what truly matters without sacrificing productivity or personal growth.