What other communities or groups such as PH do you use for networking and personal growth?

Hello amigos, I am looking to find out more sources in which I can particularly connect with people and network. Exchanging value and supporting other like minded people could be the most satisfying thing for me. Thanks.

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Ethun Hunt
You can visit Indie Hackers, Stack Overflow, Quora, GitHub, Dribbble, Inbound.org - for marketers and inbound professionals. I personally use these platforms. They are worth exploring.
In addition to Product Hunt, I've found great value in joining specific LinkedIn groups and Reddit communities tailored to my interests and industry. These platforms offer a diverse range of perspectives and networking opportunities that have significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth.
Divine Rivers
Somewhat different, but fishbowl. They have startup/founders forums that I interact with
Aron Steehouwer
Maybe try this mobile app for B2B founders this week; foundrhunt.com
Jose Garrido
Indiehackers sounds like the community you are looking for Konstantinos