IMHO the effictive communication would be the key to victory, setting the priorities, providing feedbacks (positive or negative) on schedule, and getting the quality under control.
1. Those who can speak and never write
2. Strict work and rest rules
3. Stay out of your comfort zone at home
4. Confirm the communication content before the meeting
1. Use project management tools, such as Tapd or Teambition, can help keep track of tasks, deadlines, and progress.
2. Use video conferencing. Video conferencing can help remote teams feel more connected and foster a sense of community.
1. Use online tools that support multi-person collaboration, such as Figma, Google Doc, Notion, etc., to improve the efficiency of information distribution
2. Use video and voice for daily communication, minimize typing and use group chat, so that the same topic does not need to be repeated among different employees
3. The most important point: clear and consistent team goals, with appropriate project management tools, periodically track the completion of the goals, and review specific issues. In this state, employees working remotely can be driven by the goals Feel free to contribute your talents and ideas.
The whole can be summed up in two words: Communication and Goal.
@new_user_2374cdb4e8ce5 In the state of remote work, traditional management methods are difficult to work, such as clocking in and on-site supervision of work status. We need to manage the team in a result-oriented manner. My suggestion is to set a high goal, not simply need to work hard to complete it, conduct periodic reviews on the work content, and carry out certain reward and punishment measures according to the completion status. From the point of view of actual execution effect, employees who do not concentrate on their work cannot accomplish their work goals well most of the time.
1. daily stand-up meeting to align progress and change in strategy
2. clear documentation, so ppl can refer to written records at anytime, in different places
3. use collaboration tools such as Lark. Strongly recommend it.
Getting things done efficiently means reducing interference as much as possible, both on-site and remote.
Fewer meetings, the choice of a quiet environment, a concise and clear description of the problem, etc., are effective methods.
1. Don't make meetings too frequent, trust your team
2. Have strict work vs life boundaries so teams don't get burnt out or slack off during work hours
3. Have an easy to access method of communication like slack or discord
1. Clearly define the goals and objectives of each team member and the team as a whole;
2. Use tools like Asana, Trello, or Basecamp to track tasks and monitor progress.
3. Use communication tools like Slack, and Zoom to stay in touch with team every working day;
4. Provide team members with the support and resources they need to do their jobs effectively
1. Utilize task management tools and collaboration software to keep track of goals, tasks, and progress.
2. Utilize video conferencing and other virtual tools to facilitate better communication and collaboration.
Kanban boards. This allows each member of the team to know what stages the project is at and what tasks each employee is doing. I recommend kanban boards from Firmbee. I use this system in my work.
The most important thing you can do to improve efficiency for a remote team is to ensure that everyone is on the same page about what is expected of them when it comes to delivering a project.
We've focused on good notes and good slack hygiene when we can.
Our meetings are efficient, which let us get more work done. Having said that, it's important to over-communicate and sometimes meetings really help with that.
Hope that helps!
I have observed clean and neat communication channels can improve efficiency. Also having the perfect tools or software to work can change and improve productivity.
We found that having senior and experience folks makes the remote team workflow and efficiency a lot better, having new members or freshers makes it tricker