Anil Matcha

What is your product tech stack?


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Martin White
We're running on a mix here - our backend is Python/Django with a PostgreSQL database, frontend is ReactJS. We've Docker for containerization, all hosted on AWS.
Tanay from Stacks
React, Ruby on Rails, Typescript, GraphQL, React Native
Tin Chung
Firebase, Typescript, React, GraphQL...
I've been waiting for such a question:) Python, Flask, TensorFlow, Node.js, React, MySQL, Typescript🤟
Magda Koluszkowska
Flutter, Firebase
Bryan McAnulty
Mostly Ruby on Rails. Hosted on Heroku.
Python FTW ;0
Tanvi Mehta
Flutter, php, Laravel
Geri Máté
Golang 🤘 And some TypeScript and other stuff
SASSA Status Check
Our product tech stack comprises a combination of cutting-edge technologies and tools that work together to power our solution. It includes programming languages such as [List programming languages], frameworks such as [List frameworks], databases like [List databases], and other essential components such as [List other components/tools]. This stack allows us to create a robust and efficient product that meets the needs of our users while staying adaptable to future advancements in the tech landscape
I'm from the VILT Stack community : Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwindcss.
Yevhen Melnychenko
React, Firebase, Node.js
Hiro - Atsuhiro Teshima
We use Elixir for the server side and Nx and Nextjs-based monorepo for the front end. I hope I can get to know a builder who also loves Elixir:)
Andrey Bozhjev
Softr, Airtable, Make
TypeScript, NextJS, NestJS, MongoDB, WebRCT, SocketIO and stuff in JS ecosystem.
Next.js, AWS (Database and others), TailwindCSS
Yaroslav Dzyoma
Client: Flutter Backend: Firebase, Typescript + little bit of Rust, CockroachDB, OpenAI API
Jijo John
Javascript, Node, Mongo db, Terraform and Kubernetes. We are launching on the 20th please do follow.
Typescript + Next.js + Vercel
Mustafa Aydemir 🌕
Laravel, Vue, InertiaJS