Uma Venugopal

What is your pet peeve in a workplace?

What ticks you off in your work environment?

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Top Night
Retro Bowl - if you are an athlete in the shower and I love American football, then the game just for you. In the game you pixel the quarterback, and you have to prove to the coach that you knowingly put on the pitch. Only a grueling workout and willpower will lead you to the cherished goal. The graphics are done simply, but it does not prevent obsalutno geymlpey. And after 10 minute the tigers and completely forget about it.
Anastasia Reich
yes, the trick is to start your work day with Sense — Your Artificial Memory and enjoy your things being automatically organised and interconnected in a single place.
Sandra Djajic
Yes! I can complain haha Since I'm working in co-working offices, people that take phone calls or meetings at the desk, instead of using a phone both. They are just to loud and disturb everyone around them Also, people that are coming to work just to socialize so on daily basis, I get interupted about 10 times during my work day.
Rakshith Ravi
At the risk of sounding rude, it does irritate me when somebody comes to me with a problem that they _know_ I don't have the solution to, simply because they're too lazy to put in the effort to Google it (ChatGPT really does help me out here)