What is your favorite aspect of PH?


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The community!It gathered best people of the world there!
Mahir Mahdi
People. I love the fact that almost everyone is on the same wavelength.
Jules Essen
The like minded and positive community. I've never encountered a community with so little negativity.
Community of course! Still trying to find a better way to get more points
Chris Lester
New/cool products + community
Kia Kamgar
Roasting complicated apps ;-)
The community's openness.
Salim Lunat
Supportive community
Phil Meyer
Agree with all the commenters here - it's the peoples. Felt so lost trying to find a community on reddit - some of the subreddits that I thought sounded right were literally dead.
André J
that it keeps chaning
Shivam Garg
Everytime, it's community ! I have met with the best people of the world.