Jao Japitana

What is your do to list this 2024? Wishing you all the best this 2024!!!


Mine is quite long and seems like a roadmap of all my businesses. Will share mine in the comments section. Would love to hear yours 😊

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Franklyn Gibbs
Wishing everyone a prosperous 2024! My to-do list is a mix of old lessons and new aspirations. How about yours?
Andrew Noah
First on my to do list is to actually get better at making To-do lists and perfect my time/task management.
Alpa Thakkar
New year goal is to achieve 500 streaks on product Hunt and become a no#1 Hunter and support other markers.
Ghost Kitty
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In january, we schedule to launch our products! and the rest of the years is how we can improve our performance!
Harsh Vyas
My New Year's goal is to achieve a 380-streak on ProductHunt. ✌ I aim to learn and share insights about growth hacking continually. 👦 I aspire to be a great group engager in various communities. I am currently managing two Facebook communities and one LinkedIn group, and I am also open to assisting others to increase the above ratio.
First on my to do list is to actually get better at making To-do lists and perfect my time/task management. Keep moving forward in my graduate program and to earn my PhD and becoming a professor/researcher Keep working on Duolingo to learn Latin and German and get better at them. Work on my side projects and I need to start writing a book, that's really important How about you Jao? 😊
Anawar Mahammad
Hi How are you My name Anwar Mohammed i'm like wrok Help me thank you