As I continue working and get older, I find I get into 'grooves' of focused work. I believe most can adapt to any type of work schedule if they really want to, but naturally for me, a workout of some type immediately after waking up, followed by work, break for walk/lunch/reading, then more work until later, followed by another 'active break' with dinner, and any other passive tasks that can be done at night while not having to focus entirely is perfect
Summary of how I do it best is spaced out with plenty of outdoor time and physical movement keeps me the most mentally sharp
I think the best time to work is in the morning. I feel the most productive during the morning. During the morning is when I do my most critical tasks.
My co-founder works best during late nights (developer), but I really like early mornings. Same quiet space and no clutter as the night, but more energy esp after my runs
hey there. Guys I usually work at night. I moved to Miami few weeks ago. One of the beauties of Miami is the neighborhoods. There are many options to pick from in a place rich in diversity. I got huge help from this guys who
For me I've always been the most productive very early in the morning. If I can get up and start blogging at 4:00 am I know it will be a productive day!
Late at night for me! Something about the urgency of wanting to go to bed makes me more focused. Plus, if I am willing to sacrifice sleep for it, then I know what I'm working on is worthwhile (whether personal, work, or side interests!). It is great validation :)