Ayush Jangra ✦

What is the most important factor you look for when building an MVP?


As I'm building Grabee it sometimes gets hard to just focus on the one main factor while building the MVP. For me, this factor is the core feature of the product, and make sure that it's easy to use. Because I believe if you can't explain your product in a sentence, then it's too complicated. Also, if it's too complicated, then people won't use it. But what's the single most important factor you look for when building an MVP?

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Manoj Radhakrishnan
It is often difficult to define a single framework for MVP definition. Better to use the principle of Subtraction. Remove the feature, and see how the product will look like, can customer still use it, does it solve the core problem for customer. If it make sense to remove it, better eliminate the feature from the MVP.
Ayush Jangra ✦
@manoj_radhakrishnan1 I like the idea of using subtraction rather than adding more and more features to a product. One of the things I've always heard in terms of MVP development is that you should use the least amount of content that you need to confirm your hypothesis. It makes sense to me that if you can remove features from an MVP and still get the same results, then those features aren't necessary in order for someone to decide whether or not they want to buy your product.
As the others mentioned, an mvp doesn't need a ton of features right off the gate. However, I've found that a good UI/ UX makes a difference. I would actually prioritise that over features. Simplicity is a great USP, something even our small team struggles with a lot. Best of luck!
Ayush Jangra ✦
@cedric2 I completely agree with this. As a designer, I've found that it's incredibly important to create a simple UI/ UX that is easy to use and understand. From my experience, the simpler you can make your product, the more people will want to use it. I'd definitely prioritize simplicity over features.
@ayushjangra yea the attention span has gotten significantly shorter, users are now more demanding right from the get go. Especially if it's a B2C SaaS, the MVP has to be really smooth.
Ayush Jangra ✦
@cedric2 Yeah! The expectation is that you will be able to do everything and anything from the get-go, so if you can't, you're going to lose out on a lot of customers. It's because of this that I think it's important to have a plan for what you want your MVP to look like, and then make sure that it's something that users can actually use.
I guess I'm looking for speed when building an MVP. This means fewer features are better and ideally there should be only a single feature that is a core idea of the product.
Ayush Jangra ✦
@sergey_kornilov1 I think you're right about the need for speed. 🏃‍♀️ The more time you spend on an MVP, the more features you'll add, and that can really slow down your progress. I know that it's hard to cut features from your product, but I think the best thing as you said is to focus on one main idea or core function and build outward from there.
Pravin Halady
@sergey_kornilov1 @ayushjangra Agree. The goal of MVP is to reach product/market fit as quickly as possible, and the only way to do that is to have hypotheses and validate them through rapid iterations. And for these idea->build->measure->refine cycles to be most impactful, ruthless prioritization and focus is a must.
Anastasiia Cadabra
What is the most important factor? Because you first test the idea for user perception, you can also learn more about your target audience and their non-obvious but important needs. Research results can always be offered to investors to confirm the value of the product and increase capital investment. In addition, functional interaction with users allows you to transform the software or its concept in such a way that it has room for improvements in the future. My college wrote the article with answers on common questions :) https://cadabra.studio/blog/to-c...