Deep K

What is the best advice you have ever received?


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Nathaniel Karmy
Take as many risks as you can while you are young. In my position in life I am 23 taking a risk working at a start up that could potentially change my life seems like a way better option than get a standard corporate climb the ladder job. If I fail I have experience on my resume that I can always use to apply at corporate companies and lessons on what worked and what didn't and why. The risk to reward ratio is massive, take risks while no one depends on you financially its that simple.
Alexis Khvatov
The best advice I have ever received is to take charge of my own life and experiences. It has always been important to me to live by my own choices and not be swayed by outside influence or pressures. This insight helps me stay focused on making decisions that come from within, rather than allow others to dictate what I should do. Taking responsibility for yourself and your decisions can open the door to a whole new world of limitless possibilities - anything is achievable if you take the time to create your own path forward. As famous guru Tony Robbins said, “It’s not about the events in our lives; it’s about how we respond to them.” This mindset has opened up a range of opportunities for me as I have steered my life on my own terms over the years.
Jason Lee
Don't make decisions when you are not in a good state, these decisions are often wrong or hotheaded
Anoir Houmou
The best advice I've ever received has been to make things happen and ignore people that don't believe in your vision
Love and learn your failures.
Ágh Helmut
"Be humble!"
Be kind and calm regardless of how you're feeling