First of all, I love your userpic!
Something I regret not doing is definitely not coming up to this person with the Funniest Dog Ever and asking for a video. And not recording a video of the friendliest black lab in existence. I miss that creature ahahha. Like, I'm great with pursuing career opportunities but I never want to bother people when they are out with their dogs. I wish I could go back to that lil town where it was pouring rain and there was this HUGE Borsoi dog in a silly lil raincoat AND A HAT prancing down the street and it looked like the least grateful yet most adorable ballerina. Anyway. Dogs. I regret not petting more dogs for sure.
What about you?
I regret not joining ProductHunt earlier. Love this community and if I joined earlier I could have brought more people to know the product that we're launching
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