Ceyda Güzelsevdi

What is not productivity?


Our time is invaluable. We do everything to make the most of it, we want better products because we don't want to waste our time. But productivity is a broad category. So, I'd like to ask you an even broader question: What do you think is NOT productivity?

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Buse Başar
Finishing by spending hours on a job is definitely not productivity. There is a certain period of time and it is necessary to finish it within that December. For every extended period, it is stolen from the time of another job.
Kevin T.
Meetings managers want.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@kevin_t_ thank you! I believe that can be diminishing for talent. How do you think we can approach this issue?
Kevin T.
@ceyguz Until managers come to terms with the idea employees are not servants and managers are not royalty, nothing will ever change. The power dynamics--and the pay differences--are too ingrained.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@kevin_t_ puff absolutely. I mean the literature of leadership is one to take responsibility after calling employees as "followers" (kind version of sheep) for decades. We should also probably come up with a new definition for "manager", yet awaiting us many crucial changes that will influence the future of work due to ongoing developments in technology and AI. However, I think that this problem is not exclusive to managers, a worldwide perspective has to be turned upside down towards the meaning of being human, constant learning and co-creation. It is still thought that one person succeeds. No. Success is a co-creation, it's time we appreciate one another and the effort and time one puts into. There is a better way, and even if it's slow, one step at a time. We'll get there together. Ignorance here is the obstacle that await us, but once we, co-creators, become the wave our voices will be heard 🎢🚀💜
Kevin T.
@ceyguz I believe the problem is exclusive to managers. When major companies lay off thousands of employees, the managers always keep their jobs.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@kevin_t_ i see your point better now.. but I believe that is highly dependent on who you're working for. But for me it's never been about "who" but why.. and unless that "why" is aligned with my individual vision, I don't think I can succeed in such a culture. Therefore the future of work I believe is also about the "why"s. Hopefully we will make things better over time together 💙🤝
Richard Gao
I think we all know What we need to watch out for are things that seem like productivity but are not Things that don't being you closer to your goal are not productive So spending days in a logo or a name for your startup for example :)
Enes Can Şahin
@richard_gao2 I believe that it represents practicality and comfort with its multi-arm structure that represents functionality. ✨
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@richard_gao2 I definitely see your point, but also me and my co-founder @cansahintr strongly have experienced the "right place, right time" together. Sometimes it's not just the right time, and it's alright. Leave time to do its job and you do yours, it will come to you. When you force things, you experience a push. Or at least I did. And I think with name, you will just know. I leave Can to tell how we came up with the name for Co-create ⚡🌞
Enes Can Şahin
@ceyguz 🔸Co-learn 🔸Co-create 🔸Co-share We strongly believe that the right things will sprout in the right place and time. ✨
Uma Venugopal
Waste your time. Use it to nap, dance, go swimming or all the infinite list of non-sexy things but things that actually makes you happy.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@uma_venugopal Uma, thank you for contributing. Can you tell me more about this please? Are you saying that when we do these things, we're not productive?
Dipak Sisodiya
Anyone who claims to work 16 hours a day.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@dipak_sisodiya thank you, I think that varies for everybody. Have you heard about Hyperfocus?
Eraj Ismatulloev
Writing "thx" instead of "thanks".
Rohan Pradhan
Mindless Multi-tasking.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@rohanpradhan thank you. When do you think multi-tasking becomes "mindless"?
Rohan Pradhan
@ceyguz For me, it's when the task I am doing turns more 'mechanical' rather than staying 'creative'. By mechanical, I mean that the quality of work being done just gets done for the sake of it because my mind is diverted. (context: I am a copywriter, and it's easy for me to write mechanically when I get assigned certain tasks, but I don't like that since I love to spend time and write creatively) It could be any two tasks, and it's fine if it requires manual effort. But most of my main tasks require me to be creative, and I have stopped multi-tasking for the same reason. Hope this clears it out a bit!
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@rohanpradhan oh that definitely clears it out! I'm a writer too! I feel that, and now AI does the mechanical part for us so we can get creative all the way above and beyond!! I see now, you like to focus on the creative flow ✨👏 Thank you!
Shekhar Iyer
biggest time wasters are ruminating about past, focusing on things we have no control over, not being conscious about time, not doing the tasks which only take 2 or 5 minutes and postponing them and comparisons with others
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@shekhar_iyer thank you. These are considered the symptoms of anxiety and the last we would address as "procrastination". In the meta level, in my experience and observation, these stem from our insecurities, followed by de-empowerment and de-motivation. I've seen and experienced that a person can achieve anything that they set their minds to with these ingredients: a) they believe in themselves b) they are motivated c) they are empowered d) they are in the "right" psychological state e) they have found or striving towards finding the "right" balance **keeping constant that we are showing effort/working for it** "right" because it's relative. Your "right" may be "wrong" for me, and it's alright. Individual differences. Our needs and goals are different hence our making sense of the world around us and exploring the dimensions of ourselves. What is your perspective about this? Do you think that we can achieve anything we set our minds on, is there any ingredient you think is missing?
Shekhar Iyer
@ceyguz i think one important thing is missing.. who do you look up to, do you have a mentor who you admire and each time you feel like giving up then you look up to that person? For example take a look at arnold , he was not even from USA, he came to usa, did bodybuilding, acted in terminator ( at first they didn't like his voice) and now he is even governor of state or something. So i think its possible to achieve anything once we set mind. Yes there is law of attraction(words have energy and words have frequency), , we cant run away from anxiety or negative thoughts. But here is a trick - say your day is not going well or something happens like money stress or product stress( you can say something like..thank you for this negative feeling of sadness and i take full responsibility for this negative feeling or thought that i am having.. the more you can catch yourself and somehow you can come out of negativity faster then you can move forward..)the more you say thank you, and have a attitude of gratitude for small things, the faster we can achieve what we want effortlessly. Because ultimately it comes down to managing focus and energy, its not even about time management, its more of energy and focus.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@shekhar_iyer couldn't have said it better 👏👏👏 I definitely agree. As a synesthete for me the world revolves around frequency. And I think embracing life fully is invaluable, we have so many new things to learn from each and every person/place/emotion/"mistake" therefore I'm grateful about everything that I have experienced. And also making peace with myself, even with all the voices, I feel complete. So it's also a balance between the attitude you have towards life and towards yourself. Because when then you truly understand what "time" is really worth and why you need to make the most of it. That's our vision @ OCTO and what led me to found OCTO. I look forward to hearing your thoughts once we launch and you meet OCTO yourself ✨🐙💜
Gayatri John
Overworking incessantly - it's seen as a sign of being a hustler, but without giving yourself the breaks you need, it becomes incredibly inefficient. And if in the process of overworking, you neglect your health, sleep and general lifestyle, I'd even go as far as saying it's counter productive. (https://www.atlassian.com/blog/p...) ^an insightful data-backed article on productivity!
Enes Can Şahin
@gayatri_john As someone who has tasted white-collar work at the time, I agree. My idea generation had officially stopped.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@gayatri_john I definitely agree! The hustle culture ~ "burnout is normal" culture if you ask me from a psychological angle and is very dangerous. Not everyone was cut out for it, we all have different capabilities and unique ways of making it work for us. Thank you so much for the article! 💙 I'd love to hear more about your thoughts, let's connect on LinkedIn? https://linkedin.com/in/cgenesis
Ghost Kitty
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Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@mansi_trivedi1 thank you! When you are busy, do you think you are not productive?
Ghost Kitty
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Hafiz Zainudin
NOT productivity is when you done from doing something, there is no measurable results or you feeling it's not moving the progress-needle.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@techconsulnerd thank you! That's really interesting to hear, so are we considered, do you think, only when we have the metrics or results to show it? What about the process, creation?
Hafiz Zainudin
@ceyguz If you feel the process itself is rewarding, then it could be a productive work. If you feel you back to square one with no lesson learnt, maybe it is NOT productive.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@techconsulnerd thank you. To me, there is always something new to learn from everyone, and from every experience. I can't imagine not learning anything and going back to square 1, but I don't measure the squares I'm in. Then I can't focus on the view of the mountain. Still I'd like to understand your view a little deeper. "Productive work" is very broad, can you give me an example so I understand better where you are coming from?
Nihal Kothiyal
working by default and resting when you need a break. It should be vice versa
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@nihalkothiyal that's a simple, yet very insightful point, Nihal! Thank you. What do you think we can do to achieve that?
Enes Can Şahin
Hey Ceyda 👋 A question that touches a very good point ! While my number one in the internal factors is the wrong use of social media, I can say that the empty people in the close environment are in the external factors.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@cansahintr thank you! I'd say we built the "social" media in the wrong way, and we reap, what we once sow. So I definitely support new platforms like Polywork, Mastodon, and I hope more apps are being built as we speak that will create us the space for us to be finally human; not avatars or personas we created. The idea was never sharing, it was "showing". And I feel that it is time we share and we share together: the era of co-creation and cooperation.
Naveen Sharma
In my opinion below activities are not count as productivity are Busyness Multitasking Long working hours Perfectionism Constantly checking emails or social media
Given how broad the category, I can't think of anything that's NOT productivity.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@hashnimo that's a great point! What do you think started this? What is the reason behind it?
Pranab Buragohain
@ceyguz Staring at the screen endlessly and wondering which task to star next 😅. In other words, procrastination.
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@pranabgohain thank you! Personally, I think procrastination emerged when the theory itself emerged. Before listening to a Ted Talk on procrastination, I'd say it wasn't a part of my life - putting a name on it strongly influences our perception 😄 How did you discover procrastination?
Kathan Desai
Not productivity is scrolling instagram for more than a hour per day
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
@kathan_desai1 hahaha I don't have IG installed on my phone, but after The Social Dilemma I just have this negative feeling about endless scrolling, it feels toxic and I don't like it. I answer any dms in 2 mins, check octo's socials and I'm done for a few days 😂 Now everything has turned into marketing, I can't find any real value in the content and the ones who create the real value are pressed down by the algorithm.. How do you use Instagram?