For me there are 3 stages:
shortterm (this is where we are now):
- people, especially the older ones, will have to get used to it and explore it
- the ones who won't accept it are either at the end of their work life or will have major difficulties in the future
- younger and technical people are already using it as a support tool
- AI is already used for simple tasks in our everyday work life (f.e. chatbots)
- everyone will use it as a support tool
- we will find new ways to develop tools with AI and it's supporting us with more advanced tasks every day
- the ones who didn't adapt have already fallen off completely and have a difficulty getting along in everyday life
- job offers are slowly shifting towards programming
- less people are needed for simple tasks, like basic customer support
- AI has taken over the market
- it took over most of the tasks of everyday life
- the job market basically only consists of IT-related jobs to develop those tools
What is your take on that Hashir?
@felix_digistash Thank you for putting this much effort in this. I always appreciate loyalty to the community.
You have described it efficiently and included all the points anyone could think of.
Somehow I think AI has already taken over the market, every young person probably knows what Chatgpt is, using AI tools in their daily life and what ive been observing for the past years is the job market is already developed specifically for those who are in IT related industry, including ai tools formation and digital marketing.
@hashir_ahmed1 If there is a good question, I try to give a good answer! :D
Yeah I think we may be on the virge of slipping into the midterm-stage. But for me personally we are still at the beginning of the AI-age.
For us, who use it regulary online, it might be very present.
But if I ask some of my friends, who aren't online that much. They probably wouldn't know so much about AI tools and are also not using them as frequently.
Often it is about the perpective you are apporaching it from.
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