Our team has passed many pivots over recent 4-5 years. We started by developing an automated trading system on top of predictive AI. But after a year of learning trading and data science, we understand that this niche is abused by big funds. As a result, now, only expensive AI systems can predict the market enough to be profitable.
After that, we switched to building question-answering AI. Similar to ChatGPT, but we made it a year before ChatGPT was announced. We have made the biggest model at this time, BART, much cheaper and performant enough to open it for usage. It was quite similar to ChatGPT 3.5 in quality, just with less knowledge. Unfortunately, no one was interested or even understood the purpose of using it. We didn’t know what to do in this situation and started developing the startup in the crypto market.
Only after the release of ChatGPT did I finally understand that we lacked marketing skills, despite a good solution.
Share your story, so each of us can learn from mistakes. What reasons caused you to pivot?
Eonian DAO