Lindsay Davis

What does your product name stand for?

I'll start. We launch Threedio in November 9th. Threedio is a 3D models' library. Three is 3 βž• dio is D 🟰 Threedio. Everything is simple! Share your products' names in comments!

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Haya Tangyan It's simple: JBoard for job board creation
George Burmistrov
It's simple. You can build emails using blocks. That's why we are called Blocks :)
Niko Germish
We made the simple decision to add 'AI' to all our product names, and just like that, our ordinary names transformed into a true representation of our products' innovative ideas :)
Alice Yu
Love the simplicity, Lindsay! We're all about keeping things easy too. Learn to code as if you're vacationing by the bay β€” hence, Codebay. Launching on Nov 8 😘
Drew "Sales Playbook Builder" Williams
We're "Sales Playbook Builder". And... it means we build sales playbooks. I wanted to keep it straightforward!
Drops - as it’s an app that sends daily quotes and notes, it represents a drop of wisdom into the mind / brain πŸ€“
Ε½iga Kerec
ProductAI - generate your product shots with AI.
Tom Lee
LOVO: Love your Voice - and every voice out there!
Morgan Kung
I'm gonna launch tmr, to be precise, four hours later. My app named FocuSee, Focu is focus and See means attract attention. Since it's a recorder with auto zoom, cursor click, and spotlight effects, it's easier for people to record a video to attract viewers' attention to the spot you'd like them to focus on.
Daniel Burns
Cool! Our latest product is called QualityOps - its name is a mash up of (increasing) Quality (of your products) by incorporating (Dev)Ops methodologies.
Florian Myter
Nothing, but great question :) We debated a lot whether the name should actually mean anything, and decided to simply pick something which roles of the tongue: weavely(.ai).
Jake Harrison
Afford Hunt, it came from the Product Hunt, it means help people find Affordable AI & SaaS tools
Artwork Flow - Artwork Management Solution ( )
Alex Nix
Solutions Assistant.
Michael Stan
Uniflow - from Universal and cash Flow, Universal because we are building a Decentralised system that will be managed and controlled by its users through their Universal identities(digital identity) cash flow because people should know how to manage their cash flow(money) as we are living in the world that is ruled by money. Without full ownership of money and your data(identity) you cannot do anything at this world, no holidays abroad, no renting a flat, buying a car, going to hospital, and so on...
Jovana Djekovic
Remote Santa - "Remote" refers to the distant workspaces many of us have now. "Santa" represents the spirit of giving, joy, and connection. Put together, "Remote Santa" is about fostering connection and spreading joy in remote work settings!
Our team has developed three products and for all three we tried to keep it simple and related to what the product actually does. TheOptimizer - Its marketing automation platform that aggregates data automatically between two or more platforms, while allowing users to create automatic optimization rules that take actions on their behalf. The tool that helps you optimize paid traffic campaigns. Landerlab - It's a landing page building platform that comes with a carefully crafted visual page builder that enables users to create landing pages using simple drag-and-drop actions, host them, A/B test, etc from one place. Practically the one place where you manage everything for your landing pages. ClickFlare - Is a tracking and attribution platform. Allows performance marketers to track every single visit, click and conversion on their funnels, providing in-depth anonymous user information and conversion data. Plus lots of other features that make it pretty unique and stand out from other similar platforms.
Touring. It's for walking tours around a city -> Tour The "" form is to emphasise that you use it WHILE you walk to get realtime narrations rather than to plan your trip.