What do you wish you did differently when you launched?

Here are 3 things I’ve seen many startups say they wish they did differently at launch. Feel free to drop yours in the comments. 1. Don't launch an unstable product. Don’t fall for the trap of launching your product early. You’d end up just having many angry and upset customers. 2. Focus on building stability and not UI/UX: Your MVP should focus on stability and not UI and UX because your initial set of customers won't care how fancy your product looks, but what they care about is whether their problem is getting solved. If you can do both, even better. 3. Build an audience before building a product. Spend at least six months building enough audience so your initial distribution becomes very easy. P.S we’re launching real soon🥳 Feel free to check out this cool product discovery tool https://www.producthunt.com/prod...

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Alisha Shrestha
How would you define the MVP- when u say Don’t fall for the trap of launching your product early?
@alisha_shrestha it’s really just encouraging you not to launch a product that isn’t really ready. Try to create something functional not perfect before launching. Especially if people are paying for it
Odun Odubanjo
Agree 100% with 1) although you don't want to wait too long before launching. Balance is key
Gaurav Parvadiya
Good tips. We are launching soon as well.
@graham_patel Wish you the best in your launch too. Feel free to share the link when you launch. Meanwhile, you can join our page here too (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...)
Wow, six month building audience? This sounds like bad news for me, as we aim to launch soon, but I'm new here. What approach do you use to get the audience? And is it only for PH or somewhere else as well? And wishing you good luck with upcoming launch!
Eddie Forson
- Distribution: wish I had an audience when I launched. - Problem: make sure you can clearly articulate the problem you are trying to solve (is it really a problem) - Product: is your solution good enough to address this problem?