Catherine Norris

What do you waste the most time on during the day?


Psst...that meeting could have been a Collato search. Save you and your team hours a day by finding distributed product information at a glance, across all your apps. We're live on Product Hunt today! Come say hi

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Ayda Ecem Γ‡ele
trying to find the associated documents and some account creditentials on Slack really take my time.:/
Catherine Norris
@aydaecem Agh that is frustrating! Check out Collato--we built it to make finding company knowledge much faster/simpler. It's like Google for your work apps! 😍
Testing producthunt Product, i like spending time trying and using some new products on PH, but sometime i got lost for hours here :D
Catherine Norris
@ml_online haha I feel you! But hopefully some products (like Collato 🀫) will actually save you time in the end, so it evens out!
Carter Michael
Minor details that don't matter. This is something I'm trying to improve as I spend more time making things.
Catherine Norris
@carter_barnett It's hard to know at the beginning what's important and what's not!
Yabesh Photography
For me, it's probably checking my phone and social media too often. I've been trying to limit my phone usage during the day and focus on more productive activities instead.
Catherine Norris
@yabeshphotography It's helpful if you set timer limits on certain apps! I also designate small portions of the day to mindless scrolling. Once time is up, it's time to be productive again πŸ’ͺ
Maya A
For sure meetings and slack messages - I can't focus sometimes with the constant pings!!
Catherine Norris
@mayaa.17 For sure, this is so distracting! I've put mine on mute, and designate time to check Slack so I can actually focus. Plus, since we use Collato, people are able to find information on their own much faster so we don't have to distract each other as much πŸ˜‡
Grace Hur
Thinking of my role in 2018.... What my past bosses believed: long coffee and lunch breaks. The reality: Answering q's from customers when I didn't have the intel from anyone 🀑.
Brian Yip
Reddit πŸ₯² Yesterday was tough when the site was down for a couple of hours πŸ˜‚
Catherine Norris
@brian_yip I'm right there with you Brian πŸ˜‚ But I'm also trying to figure out Reddit as a growth tool, so I guess it's part of the job, right? πŸ€”
Chloe Cloudlett
I spend most of my time studying. But I also like online games. My favorite pokies is Lightning Link by the link here they entertain me and allow me to earn money. One of my favorites Lightning Links pokie online series, as created by Aristocrat in 2014, includes about 4 different exciting themes to choose from. Happy Lantern, Sahara Gold, Magic Pearls, and High Stakes, among others.Each theme is playable on a 5-reel layout with different betting lines ranging from 25 to 50 paylines. I really like it. Try it, it's really entertaining and I think you'll like it too!
Karthik Tatikonda
Finding files 🀯 I waste a lot of time in it
Catherine Norris
@karthik_tatikonda Well my friend, I'm about to make your day! Collato lets you and your team find the files (and knowledge within those files) instantly. Plus, we keep it organized for you, so you can instantly visualize referencing documents on a knowledge map 😌 Check us out and let me know what you think!
Social media and overthinking ! 🀯🀯
Shailendra Singh
[1] Notifications - Linkedin / Email/ Whatsapp [2] Unbounded conversations [3] Meetings
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Absorbing a lot of information for working. Read, read and read...