Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦

What do you prefer — eLearning or traditional learning in the classroom?

I've recently read this article by my colleague: And I was left wondering about what I prefer🤔 On one hand, there are so many great benefits of eLearning, and on the other hand, when I'm in the classroom, learning face-to-face with other students, I just feel like I'm retaining more knowledge. It's the same with books, I prefer physical ones to ebooks🙈 However, after the start of the pandemic, I dove into some online learning materials, and started loving eLearning a bit more 🥰 Are you the same way? Did quarantine change that?

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eLearning is more friendly to me since I've got very bad memories. I often record the important parts during the online courses for future review. And that's one reason why we develop the screen recorder, RecMaster.
Do you feel like you are learning more in the classroom or are you actually learning more? I could imagine that the presence of others makes you pay attention more and therefore you learn more. At home, you have to rely on yourself to pay attention. I have been teaching online since 2010 and I'm biased towards elearning.
Preeti Chovoor
I actually enjoy eLearning for large lecture classes because I am able to have a recorded lecture and look back if I miss something. I also like the flexibility of being at home and having more time to cook and study. For lab-like courses, it's best to have a traditional style.
Yehoshua Zlotogorski
I think a mix is best, it's one of the reasons 'cohort based courses' are gaining traction and interest. You need to leverage what's best of both worlds: asynchronous learning of highly curated lessons that we get from eLearning and the community, support and fun of learning with peers.
Yehoshua Zlotogorski
@anna_mandziuk It's part of the instructional design philosophy we're implementing in our mixed course - 14 Day PM ( :-)
Siddhesh Lokare
Traditional learning for understanding cues and rawness of knowledge and e-learning for discovering the limitlessness of education. But for now, I'll go with e-learning merged with self-learning!
Gleb Braverman
I prefer a mix - classroom or live learning gives you an opportunity to bounce ideas which is invaluable.
Pablo Fatas
I think that face to face contact is important. I truly believe that a hybrid of both is best. Some kind of flip classroom style would be optimal. Reading/watching content can be done at home whereas problem solving/building or any other practical thing is best done with others in groups and with guidance