What do you do to feel less information overload? How do you deal with so-called zoom fatigue, and do you have any techniques for keeping your attention in meetings?
You need a means to filter everything and prioritize. It could be a notebook, a calendar app or an all in one app. Then, you need to nurture a habit around using those means to the max. Then, it becomes easier. I can't productively at all in my job as a medical researcher without my TiddlyWiki based app which acts as a very customizable free substitute for Notion. Super effective.
I try to not multitask unless strictly necessary. Besides, I mute Slack notifications when I'm working on a task that requires concentration. Keeping fewer tabs open is also a big one for me.
One thing I do to combat information overload is to unsubscribe from unnecessary email subscriptions, especially those that are marketing-related. The average person receives 121 emails per day and spends 28 percent of their workweek reading and responding to emails, so it's important to be thoughtful about the newsletters, notifications, and other email messages you're subscribing to.
Another thing I do is take breaks throughout the day to stretch my body or take a quick walk outside. When I'm feeling overwhelmed, these breaks help me refresh my mind and come back to my work with a new perspective. Finally, I try not to multitask as much as possible and instead focus on one task at a time so that I can give it my full attention.
Written communication ! Before meeting as a team we write an agenda of what is to be discussed. And during meeting notes, to maximize the meeting outputs.
A remote working solution.