Baron Swartz

What crucial steps should we take 48 hours before our launch?

Our new feature, the In-app Crypto Wallet, is launching on June 26th. This is a major milestone for us and all WireMin users. We hope to spread the word, encourage participation, and receive genuine feedback. Any tips for promoting our launch?

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Savannah Allen
Plan a series of posts leading up to the launch
Elaine Lu
Make sure to finalize and test all your marketing materials, landing pages, and communication channels. Also, engage with your community and build anticipation through teasers and countdowns.
Gurkaran Singh
Ahoy, WireMin crew! ⚓️ 48 hours out, time to set sail smoothly: triple-check the wallet's security, prep engaging social media teasers, and brace yourselves for the crypto wave on launch day! 🚀 #CryptoFrenzy #SmoothSailingAhead
Baron Swartz
@thestarkster Thanks for the reminder! 🚀 We'll triple-check the wallet's security and get ready for the launch day crypto wave. Appreciate the support and guidance! 🌊 Btw, could you hit a ‘notify’ for our launching? We would love to have your support and comment. Thanks in advance!
Prepare all the posts, tweets, DMs, emails you plan to send on the D Day to spread the word. Because you won't have time to think about it during the launch If you have a team, assign lists of people in your network to reach out to upon launch. Because it's annoying to receive 5 messages from different people from the same company asking for support on launch day and it's a waste of ressources for your team. Check your Website and app to make sure they can handle the potential increase in visits and signups. Test you feature to make sure everything works well. Prepare the marketing assets for your website (banner, badge, etc)
Baron Swartz
@toni_pm Thanks for the advice! 🙌 I'll prepare all posts, tweets, DMs, and emails in advance. I'll also assign team members to contact our network to avoid redundancy and optimize resources. Btw, could you hit a 'notify' for our launch? 🚀 We’d love your support and comments. 🙏 Thanks again!
Have a D-Day checklist ready for sure (there are some good ones online). Do your final posts on the day of the launch, and re-activate everyone you have networked with or the ones who can support you with the launch. Also, engage and post in Slack/X/Discord communities and answer questions to get boost.
Baron Swartz
@kshitij11 Your advice is absolutely invaluable! I've seen your product gearing up for launch—wishing you every success. I've already hit 'notify' and can't wait to support you on the big day! Would you be interested in supporting our launch as well?
Paulina Hryniewicz
Definitely contact everyone you've ever met in your entire life and ask for support ;) Jk, but it helps! We're launching today!
Baron Swartz
@paulinahryniewicz Congrats on your launch! 🎉 I’ve already followed your product—it's awesome! 👍 We're launching soon too. Could you hit 'notify' for us? We'd love your support and comments. 😊
Rayyan Maqsood
Thanks for asking, I am also planning to launch this week, so these tips will help me too. Good luck for your launch.
Hakim Zerhouni
Congrats on the upcoming launch, Baron! 🎉 I'm launching for the first time too, but here are a few tips I've gathered: 1- Engage Your Community: Reach out to your existing users and followers, letting them know about the launch. Personal messages can make a big impact. 2- Prepare Social Media Posts: Have posts ready to go for all your social media platforms to drive traffic to your Product Hunt page. 3- Coordinate with Influencers: If you have any connections with influencers or bloggers, now's the time to ask for their support. 4- Email Campaign: Send out an email to your subscribers with details about the new feature and a call-to-action to support your launch. 5- Active Participation: Be ready to engage with comments and feedback on your Product Hunt post as soon as it goes live. Best of luck with the In-app Crypto Wallet launch! You've got this! 🚀
Baron Swartz
@hakz Great to connect with you. I noticed you're gearing up for launch—exciting times! I'm curious about your product and would love to learn more. I am happy to support! As for us, WireMin, our Decentralized Social Network is introducing a new feature, the In-app Crypto Wallet, on June 26th. We've got our pre-launch page up and running. If it piques your interest, hit a ‘notify’ for our launching. Your feedback means a lot to us! Check it out here: