What are your tips for junior designers?
Here are my three tips:
1. Progress over complaints
Nobody fixed low design maturity by complaining. Take small steps: Do a little bit of research. Propose a small improvement that goes beyond the brief. Ask “what if” questions.
Show the value of good design.
2. Relationships over being right
I have colleagues, and customers I’ve met 5-10 years ago in different companies. And I could have had more of them if I understood this sooner: Being good to work with beats being right.
Build bridges. Don’t burn them.
3. Judgement over perfect process
When I started as designer, I was looking for the golden process. I thought great designers are taking some steps I don’t, and that’s why their work is so good. I had to learn how taste is growing with experience, and curiosity.
Learn how to make sense of information. And to turn it to UX patterns.