I've been shadow banned more times than I can count.... what are your tips for authentically connecting with ideal audiences on Reddit without being promotional or spammy?
I've never done paid marketing on Reddit, but I've found it's great at getting early users for new products. The thing is, you have to be patient and contribute to a lot of subreddits before putting your self-promotion out there.
If you're solving a need that people in that subreddit have, then people will be really supportive and give great advice.
@nick_hutton Thanks for this! The patience + genuine community contribution piece has always been a struggle for me, as I haven't had a history us using the platform on a personal level, but it's clearly worth the effort to start building the habit!
Hey, I'm a big fan of Reddit and I'm using it to get my first users on all my projects. Here is how I do it:
1. Be careful about the sub's rules. Some are totally OK with auto-promo, some aren't. On some big subs you can self-promote on a specific day with a specific tag!
2. Don't post blindly, sort the sub by "Top of All time" and see what works.
3. Each sub is a community, try to participate before posting anything.
I wrote a whole blog post about it → https://blog.spreadtheworld.net/...
@angezanetti Thanks these are all great tip, especially the one about sorting... I've never considered that! Great blog post as well. Thanks for taking the time to share.
@simplytedel Excellent call! Are you also contributing to other threads to try to hide your promotional ones? I feel like mods can often see this sort of behavior for what it is.
@claire_glisson Hi Claire. Yes, I "slack" around on Reddit or a while before posting anything. Any moderator will bother an active user of the community, will he?
Here are the two things to do:
- Pin your link or landing page to your profile, so if someone decides to check it out. They will be able to click the link.
- Now go to the relevant SubReddits and engage with the audience. If you are thoughtful in terms of providing relevant POV, questions etc. You will get people checking out profiles and some will click through the link.
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